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Kira's Pov

I started walking a long lonely dark path, back to the hidden leaf village.  I didn't have much of a choice anymore, to disappoint my father or let him be more disappointed that I didn't even stick around to finish what I had started.  Well at least those were the words of Kakashi, whom had left me to think about things on my own, hours ago.

To say the very least I was disappointed by the arrogance of  the Uchiha. My father was right about Sasuke, he was nothing but trash. I shouldn't have be so naive to think otherwise. Yet I felt like something was tugging me back to the bond I had started to form with him, friends or...well. I doubted we would be anything now that he ruined everything for me in this village, and as soon as the word spread around.

My father would be aware of what was going on as well.

"Damn you, Sasuke" I placed my hand on a nearby tree, brushing my fingers along the hard rough wood. This was all I would ever know of the seeing world. I would only know what it feels like to touch something, but never would I know what it would be like to see something without feeling it with my hands.  I could never visualize the world with my eyes 

This was the sad life of being blind


I sensed his chakra close, but yet so far.  I knew I was approaching the village and Sasuke was there, maybe even waiting for me.  I doubted that considering he was nothing more than a guy who couldn't keep a secret. 

"State your Name and Business here in the village"  A man spoke to me from the side of where I stood "Kira, the daughter of the Raikage and I'm here to form a bond between our villages. As you already know" I said continuing on without waiting for a reply.  I just wanted to go home

"Hey wait up" 

I didn't bother to stop, maybe that was a bad thing. But I felt discourage and I wanted nothing more than to be alone at the moment, but that wasn't happening anytime soon.  "Geez didn't you hear me?" The male voice asked placing his hand on my shoulder, as I continued so did he. "You really don't like to talk much, huh?" I didn't respond "Anyways, my name is-"

"If I wanted to talk, I would do so. If I wanted to know your name, I would ask and most certainly if I wanted to be bothered by your presence,  I would tell you"

"Naruto Uzumaki" he finished as if I hadn't even said anything to him.  "You're really bothersome, aren't you?" I huffed "Believe it" -"Why wouldn't I? I just said it" I stated irritated.  "Women" I heard him mumble under his breath "Wanna get some ramen?" he asked "N-"
"Great lets go" He tugged my arm, pulling me in the direction of wherever we would be eating. 


"And while we're eating you can tell me about you and Sasuke" Jeez did I hate hearing that name, better off talking to some weirdo about him. I listened in closely, Naruto told me to watch my step as we entered.  I heard what had appeared to be an older males voice, and then a bunch of younger people's voices. "Oh look what a coincidence, Sasuke's here" A sweat drop appeared on my forehead  Unbelievable this guy...

"Listen Naruto...err I'm not feeling we-" I tried but he wasn't even listening, his big mouth was introducing me already.  Does he maybe ever get the hint that I wanted nothing more than to go home? or at least be in my apartment by myself 

"And so she's staying here for a year" he finished pushing me forward

This idiot should know one thing,  I HATE big crowds. But no, he wasn't even listening to a word I had said.

"Nice to meet you" A girl said, along with others "Nice to meet you to-" My breath felt like it was knocked out of me,  everything else I blocked out, there was something bothering me. I could feel his stare on me,  out of all the people. It was him that bothered me most 'What are you thinking about, Sasuke?

"Here Kira sit next to Sasu" -"No" I slapped his hand away from me. "You're so pushy,  I can sit myself. Thank you very much"

I actually should have taken the offer, not knowing where to sit. I didn't want to feel around for anything and I didn't want to end up on the ground. 

"Just sit next to me, Kira" Sasuke spoke so calmly, yet the strong coldness had returned. I was going to refuse, maybe even yell at him for tempting to speak to me after I told him not too.  But all those thoughts were pulled away from my mind as his hand had tugged me forward, while the other had rested on my thigh, motioning me to sit down 'Why is he helping me?'

I didn't understand after everything I had said, after all the lies. I couldn't just sit next to him and pretend everything was okay.  Yet I did and no matter how hard it was not to,  I did my best to make myself distant from him.

Blind (Sasuke Uchiha love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin