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Sasuke’s Pov

After informing the Hokage of the information regarding Kira and her background history, I left

Knowing she would handle it, however she wanted to.  I told her Kira was blind,  along with two anbu who were in the room with me.  The Hokage still didn’t trust me the same way she did before, so I guess it would take some time to regain it back.  Naruto and Sakura, along with Kakashi sensei were waiting outside the door for me.  I questioned wither or not they overheard what I said, but Naruto quickly answered that question

“THE RAIKAGES DAUGHTERS BLIND?”- “Idiot, I’m right here” I glared at him loud as always' “Yes” I answered, after regaining my hearing back.  “I never heard of her blindness before” Kakashi inquired “It wasn’t supposed to leave her village, so try to keep this between us” I told them all. I didn’t want to embarrass Kira, knowing already how sensitive the subject of her blindness was. 

“Should we go check up on her? I mean the Hokage did say to make her feel welcome” Sakura had questioned and I nodded, then quickly shot a glance at Naruto “Don’t say anything regarding that subject to her and don’t act like you know, mostly don’t be a big mouth” 


I smirked as he looked down in defeat, then rose up with a grin on his face “Why so protective Sasuke?” –“I’m not being protective” I corrected quickly, a little too quickly  “Then what do you want to call it?” I glared at him and started walking ahead of them to avoid any conversation about it.

But to my demise Naruto caught up to me quickly, elbowing me in the side “You lik-“ I knew I had to cut him off quickly, but I didn’t have to.  Since I was bumped and almost found myself knocked into Naruto.  I was about to get pissed at the person who almost ran me over, but it wasn’t just any person. “Kira?”  Before I could say anything else or even get her to look at me, she was running off.  “Isn’t that the Rai-“ Naruto started but I was gone before I could hear him finish

“Kira wait up” I yelled running behind her. “Go away Sasuke” her voice…are you crying? Damn it.  She ran passed and out the gates, as we avoided villagers and shinobi on the way.

Whatever her reason for this better be good.  


“Kira what’s wrong?” I asked, being not too far behind her.  We were now just miles outside of Konoha  and still she preceded to run, but my question seemed to stop her.  So I took the opportunity to catch up to her “Jeez what’s going on with you?” I asked rudely, not being in a good mood with her running away from me and now she wasn’t even facing me 

“ You” 

“Me?” I asked touching her shoulder from behind. “You’re what’s wrong” she said surprising me “And what did I do this time?” I asked trying to pull her around to face me.  “Why?” She asked, turning herself to face me and throwing my hand off of her.  I was about to ask what she was so pissed about, but the tears that kept falling down her pale cheeks took my words away. 

“Why did you humiliate me? How could you do that me? Do you like to hurt people? Is that how you deal with the horrible man that you are, Sasuke?” She screamed at me “Wha” –“If you’re going to talk with arrogance at least own up to it” she had repeated my words that I had told her once before.  But what could she even be talking about. “Is this about leaving you in your apartment?” I asked unsure

“You think that telling people I’m blind is okay? That you even have to 'act' like you don’t know what I’m talking about, do you really think that low of me? Do you know what my father is going to do when he finds out?” She asked her voice going from strong to weak, as more tears had slipped down.

“Kira I-“  “Shut up” She slapped me across the face “Don’t talk to me EVER again Sasuke”

She made a hand sign, before I could even react and disappeared “Damn it…” I placed my hand to the place she had it, her hand had to have left a mark.

I can’t believe what just happened

I had to inform the Hokage….man did I dread this and what made it even worse,  I turned around  to see three familiar faces looking at me

“So…” I said awkwardly “How long you guys been standing there?” I asked

“Long enough” they all answered at once

I sighed in defeat

“You three head back home, I’ll find the Raikaga’s daughter and talk her to come back here” Kakashi said, making my blood boil.  If anyone was going to talk to her it would be me “I’ll go after her”

 “I’m sure it would be best if I did” he said now walking towards the direction her chakra was, she was getting farther and farther away. “She knows me more” I almost regretted saying that, considering how childish it sounded.

“Sasuke, I get that you two seemed to hit it off,  on your way here.  But she’s not wanting to spe-“ –“I think it’s more like 'Don’t talk to me EVER again Sasuke” Naruto said cutting Kakashi off.  I clinched my fist at his childishness “You idiot”

Kakashi’s Pov

I watched as the two of them got into an argument, sighing.  Naruto found something or rather' someone' to tease Sasuke about and Sasuke being the hot head. Hopefully  Sakura will be able to keep them from fighting if anything happens

“Alright you two, break it up.  I’m going to remind her of why she is here, and the rest of you GO home” I repeated myself and this time,  I left before anyone could reject to what I had said.


Sasuke’s Pov

“Nice going, dobe” I said sarcastically

I was still pissed Kakashi was going to get her and not me,  he didn’t understand her the way I did. Then again he was right. She wasn’t going to talk to me and she probably wouldn’t hear me out for a while.

Unfortunately for her,  I’ll make sure she talks to me again


“Sasuke’s got a crush” Naruto chanted once before Sakura punched him for doing so.  I rolled my eyes as they stated bickering.  My thoughts were more focused on Kira "Is that how you deal with the horrible man that you are, Sasuke?"  

“Go away Sasuke” 

“Don’t talk to me EVER again Sasuke” 

My fist were clinched so tight they were going numb


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