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“What about the Raikaga? Does he still hold any grudges against me?” Sasuke asked I could hear him trying to hold back some laughter in it. His words were pretty prideful and I could tell he didn’t regret it too much.

“He remembers everything, so probably” I silently laughed remembering the day my father told me about that fight between him and the Uchiha. He couldn’t even call Sasuke by his first name which is why I didn’t know it, till now.

It’s funny he hate’s how Sasuke wanted revenge and went crazy over it, but my father also doesn’t forget and he has been known to do some crazy shit over the years. Thinking about it I realized how much I missed him already and it hasn’t even been that long since we left.

“So I shouldn’t expect a Christmas card?” Sasuke said making me laugh “No your never getting off his bad side, but don’t worry my uncle Bee isn’t that way” I told him honestly. 

“I know, him and Naruto tend to be two big headed idiots together”  “Oh really?” I questioned sarcastically. If Naruto was anything like my Uncle this was really going to be hell. Just wonderful.


It had already been exactly 5 days and we still had about 9 days till we made it back to the village. I was actually enjoying our trip to the hidden leaf. My escort wasn’t as annoying as I thought and he actually talked to me like I wasn’t some freak.  I know our conversations didn’t last the longest but it was nice to at least have them. Our walking turned to jumping tree from tree decreasing our time back to the village by a day or two maybe. I was keeping up with Sasuke 'Thank god' I didn’t want to be a slacker or hold him back any. 

Hours seemed to fly by like minutes and minutes like seconds as time passed, it was already turning dark out. Well I could tell by the way things felt, it was always dark for me no matter what,  day or night.

“Are you getting tired?” Sasuke asked me while we stayed at the same fast pace we were going at “No” I shook my head. “Good we are going to go a few more hours” He told me not sounding the slightest bit of tired or out of energy. Is he ready to get back to his village already? Or am I annoying him? Jeez this sucks. If only I was a mind reader, not likely but I still wish it was true.

And sure enough two hours passed and we were setting up camp for the night, I wasn’t as tired as I thought I was. I was just sitting as Sasuke 'handled everything' sounded more like he was wrestling a bunch of bears “DAMN IT” he shouted so loud you could hear birds flying off. I started to laugh noticeable at his aggravation setting up the tent


“It’s not funny” He grumbled “Sure it’s not” I giggled “Well I don’t see you over here doing it” He retorted “Nope I though you could handle, but I guess not” I sarcastically spoke and I could tell he was angry. “No I got it” He spoke quickly and once again I heard the sounds of Sasuke struggling with the tent that ended up taking him an extra hour to set up.

“Masterpiece” Sasuke called it in a prideful manner “Took you long enough” I teased getting up “Shut up” He mumbled sounding less prideful.  I heard him unzip it and waited for him to get in first, but to my surprise he grabbed my hand and led me in. I wasn’t sure if that was him being kind or insulting, but I liked it; I liked the way his cold hands felt in mine. Almost like they were made for me…why am I thinking this? I’ve never liked anyone in my life.

Sasuke’s Pov

Why did I do that? I never liked anyone in my life! Jeez why does have to be so complicated? I sighed staring at my half set up tent. It’s not like she could see it, but it looked like shit. I’m usually good at setting them up so maybe I was just nervous...why would I be nervous?

I’m just tired

For moments I was unknowingly  staring at her and watching her set down, her hands felt around for the covers I placed down. I wanted to push them over to her but I didn’t want her to feel like I thought she was worthless, considering I already said that once. I didn’t think that at all, actually I admired her ability and the struggle that came with it.

She had enough people treating her like she couldn’t do anything; I wasn’t going to be another one to add to that list. So I just sit down across her, still not taking my eyes off her beautiful form that had found what she was looking for.  She looked cute wrapped in my covers setting up, if she could see; she would know that she was staring directly at me. Or could her senses tell her that already? Our eyes were connected and for a moment maybe our thoughts were too.

I felt something I never felt before and that’s why I laid back, taking my focus away from the girl that gave me conflicted feelings.  This was one of the most interesting missions I’ve ever been on because this is the only one I felt happy about accepting. And why was I happy about it? Well I had no idea.  The only thing I knew for sure was that I liked being here.  How does one learn to like something in just days well it beats me.

Kira’s Pov

I could feel his stare for a while now, I felt him looking at me.  I wondered what it felt like to lock eyes with someone and share that moment together. I wonder if we had 'that moment' that seemed so special to people.  Eventually I heard a noise indicating he laid back and was probably going to sleep. I should do the same, but I wasn’t exactly thinking of sleeping right now. I was thinking of Sasuke and how he saved me earlier, or that heated argument we had; one that ended up helping us see eye to eye on things. I was also thinking about his voice and how it sounded when words rolled off his tongue so perfectly. And most defiantly I was thinking about how conflicted my feelings were right now. 

Are we forming a bond? Is this what it feels like to have friends? Or is this bond something more than that.  Well whatever this is, I’m happy about it.

“Goodnight Sasuke” I whispered thinking he was already asleep “Goodnight Kira” He spoke softly surprising me.  I smiled slightly yawning before my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning

“Kira” Sasuke’s voice sent chills down my back almost a wonderful feeling, if it weren’t so damn early. “WHAT?” I nearly shouted but it was muffled by my pillow that my face was currently buried in.

“Hn you’re not a morning person, are you?” The cockiness in his voice probably meant that he was smirking. “Haven’t we been through this alrea-dy?” I croaked half awake

“It can also end the same way it did last time, now do you want your freedom or are you going to be difficult?” He asked approaching me. I didn’t say anything and started to drift back to my deep sleep, almost not caring that Sasuke was going to force me to get up and throw me over his shoulder again.

“Suit yourself” He spoke and I rose up fast “Alright alright I’m up” Jeez this guy doesn’t quit, how annoying. “Good now get up all the way” He said in a demanding tone that made me want to go back to sleep for spite. “Only because I feel like it” I told him now standing up “Hn” was his response and once again his hand found mine and he led me out. In those few seconds that felt like hours to me, I had learned something.

I liked the feeling of his hand in mine

Unfortunately Sasuke let go of my hand to take down the tent and pack up everything else. I would have offered to help but I didn’t see why he couldn’t handle it himself. He was so prideful and I liked that in a guy…well actually I wouldn’t know that, considering I’ve never liked a guy before.  But I think I liked a guy who could be just as cold and cocky as me or that could be a very bad thing.

“Well that’s everything” Sasuke announced his usual cold voice, not sounding so cold. What does this mean? The feeling of wanting his hand in mine, the way he spoke to me like he didn’t care that I was just this blind girl. All the girls in my class used to tell me it was a 'turn off' for guys and maybe that frightened me to this day about being with one, but I could always tell when a guy didn’t like me because of my blindness and with Sasuke I didn’t sense that.


I probably shouldn’t think too much of it

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