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Sasuke's Pov

“It’s freezing” She mumbled reminding me that we were both sitting in the rain. Not the smartest thing ever was
“We should get back before we get sick” I said standing up “Yeah you’re probably right” –“Always” I corrected. “Ha sure you are” She stated sarcastically following behind me as we made our way back to the cave for the night.

Time skip

“So I packed along some blankets for the night, these should keep us warm till our clothes dry” I said handing one to her; nudging it slightly into her so she was aware of it.
She grabbed ahold of it “Thanks”
 I nodded in response
'damn' I cursed myself remembering she was blind, but on the bright side I didn’t have to worry about her trying to take a peek at me while I stripped of my clothing and laid them out for the night to dry. I let the last piece of materiel I was wearing hit the ground, wrapping the blanket around myself I assumed she was done as well

 “Looks like it’s not going to calm down for a while” I stated referring to the weather and turned around as I did so “Shit” followed behind that sentience quickly “EEP you’re not looking are you?” She yelped struggling to throw the blanket around herself “N-o” I stuttered turning away from a sight that I couldn’t quite remove from my mind.

I didn’t mean to look at her purposely and I can bet I’m coming off as a creeper,  especially with a personality like hers…ah man
Kira’s Pov
'What a creeper' oh man I bet he was looking. Why else would he stutter? How embarrassing
What if I’m oddly shaped? Damn it this can’t be happening to me. 'Just act normal, don’t be a freak…don’t be a freak kira…don’t be a freak' I did my best to twist myself back into reality where I was stuck spending the night in a cave with someone who just witnessed me in my birthday suite.
This was more embarrassing then the time I walked in the men's bathroom. At least both of those moments of humiliation ended quickly' right? …wrong I bet no one’s forgotten that one.

“Are you finished yet?” Sasuke asked with annoyance “At least this time you’re asking”  I huffed “Hn” was his response and I heard him slightly shifting over “Its verily even late” I stated not feeling tired. 
“We should get some rest anyway” I heard a thud which sounded like someone sitting down.  Great this is going to be boring. I’m wide awake and he’s going to sleep already “Are you really that tired?”
“No but we have to travel tomorrow morning, bright and early” He told me
“Well could we possible stay up for a bit longer?” I asked hopeful “And what exactly do you want to do? We are stuck in a cave while it’s storming outside” he reminded me to my disappointment. “Uh, what about you tell me about your village?” I asked silently walking towards where his voice and body movement came from. “You can learn about the village when you get th-“

Sasuke’s Pov:

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall “You can learn about the village when you get th-“ *Thud* “What the hel-“ I cut my own self off as soon as my eyes opened “Why are you in my lap?” I beamed “Creeper” She hissed. “Really? I’M the creeper? You’re in MY lap!” I pointed out
“Oh wait a minute…this isn’t what it…useless” She whispered the last part almost so low that anyone would have easily missed it. She pushed at my wrapped chest and climbed off to the side of me.
I almost felt pity but that wasn’t really 'me' to feel sorry for someone. But I still felt something tugging at my cold heart and it bothered me deeply.

"Are you alright?” I asked almost questioning my decision to do so. “It doesn’t matter” she turned away from me. I decided it would be best just to let it go, she obviously wasn’t going to tell me what was going with her. We didn’t know each other that well. We are just two 'almost' strangers naked wrapped up in blankets together in a cave.  Yes that makes perfect sense


Morning came fast and before I knew it we were setting off and back on track to the hidden leaf village. Kira who was standing right next to me seemed to distance herself. I normally liked this quality in girls but not this time. I actually liked talking to her and I hated silence like this. You could almost say I was going to go paranoid if a word wasn’t spoken within the next few minutes. I Sasuke Uchiha actually gave two shits about small talk and this was defiantly unusual for me.

“So what’s it like in your village?” I asked a question she probably asked me about 2-3 times already.
“Peaceful without me…I’m sure” She mumbled looking to the ground. Out of curiosity I had to ask

“Why do you act like the people of your village hate you? Aren’t you the respected daughter of the Raikaga?”

“Yes, I’m respected to my face and when I’m not looking or at least when people think I’m not 'listening' they disrespect me in so many ways it’s not funny”

Hn' don’t really know what to say to that.  I imagine I also get that same treatment being a 'traitor' of the village once.  Maybe that’s what I should say? Oh screw it. Here goes nothing “I think people in my village sometimes do the same thing to me”
“Really?” She nearly popped with joy
“Hn, don’t sound so happy about it… jeez” I groaned resting my arms behind my head
“I wasn’t meaning to, it’s just. I thought maybe that’s something someone has in common with me”
“Maybe we have a lot in common or maybe not” I told her
“That’s not really saying anything Sasuke…”
“I’m aware of that”

And that’s where the conversation went silent again, this time though. I wasn’t going insane about it and I actually kind of felt comfortable with it.
“So do you have lots of friends?” She finally asked something breaking the silence between us. “Yeah I guess. I’m on a team; Team 7, which I spend most of my time with. Also a few friends outside of that. I wouldn’t say I had tons of 'friends' but mostly comrades” I simply put it
“I also had a team, but we really don’t hang out so often. And I mainly have 'comrades' not really friends”
 Her words made me think the people of her own village saw her as an outcast.  I understand what she said earlier about hard work not paying off.  Maybe she felt in her special case that it never would, she was judged for being blind in her own village. No matter the fact that she’s the Raikaga’s daughter, so basically the people there don’t care what level she’s at.  They still talk behind her back as if she’s nothing….

“Don’t worry about too many people like that in my village; sure there might be some people. But most of the people you will be seeing won’t talk behind your back” I assured her hoping that I was correct

“Thanks Sasuke” She a flashed a quick smile 


Kira’s Pov

For moments as we walked I wondered about him being nice to me, if it were just pity or did he actually care about what I felt. Or did he think I’m so weird outcast? Ugh I can never understand the mind of teenage boys or just any guy for that matter. It was odd thinking I would joining a new village for a year and not seeing my family which included, Father, Uncle Bee, my brother and me. It was small but I still treasured our little family.

One of which I wouldn’t be with anymore. They were the only ones that made me feel like I was really 'something' and not worthless. This is why entering a new village is so scary and stressful for me. I never know what to expect from people and I’m unsure if I will make any friends or comrades here. This sucked! At least I was getting along with my escort and that was to my surprise to say the least. I actually liked talking to someone outside my own family and that’s never really happened before. 

“So your friend you spoke of earlier the 'idiot' is he on this team 7?” I asked making conversation or at least hoping I didn’t come off as awkward.  Sasuke laughed lowly maybe at my reference to his friend he mentioned.

“Yeah we have always kind of been rivals and ended up on the same team. I thought I hated him but we’re best friends now” He spoke softly

I actually really like his voice; I had heard many and remembered several, but his voice matched his personality and what I could tell his 'looks' to. Then again I’m not sure if he looks like what I visualized him to.  Realizing I was taking forever to reply I quickly responded asking about the rest of his team, which I learned consisted of three others.  Kakashi, Sakura, Sai and by now I already knew of Naruto.

Sasuke didn’t say too much about them, he mostly just gave the basics of everyone. I still liked just knowing something about them.  Maybe it would help this transition be easier for me…if that were even possible.

I was walking a dark path in a village full of light and happiness


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