Chapter 11

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Abigail's POV
I woke up, it was Saturday and I was bored, I took a shower and went back to my room,

I put on my basketball shorts and my Green Day sleeveless shirt.

I went out of my room and saw Dean watching TV, and Sam on his laptop.

"Hey Dean, can I go to the park?"

"I guess, just be back before the streetlights come on."

"I will." I said running back to my room.

I grabbed my skateboard, which Fin spray painted galaxy, he's a spray paint artist.

I texted the gang to see if they wanted to hang out at the park. They all said yes which would be fun.

I skateboarded to the park which took about 30 minutes.

When I got there I saw Blake,

"Sup fam." I said walking over to him.

He walked over to me too and we hugged.

We sat at a picnic table and waited for Caleb and Fin. Blake seemed nervous.

"Hey is something wrong?" I asked.

"I'll text you tonight about it."

About 10 minutes later Fin and Caleb arrived.

"Sup my dudes" I greeted.

We all sat at the table and talked then decided to go for a walk in the woods.

"Guys there's a lot of thorns so be careful." Caleb said, I unfortunately was the only one wearing shorts.

We kept walking until we came across a trail.

"So, where do we wanna go?" Fin asked looking around.

"Follow me!" Caleb said walking over to the creek.

(Also forgot to mention, this is an OLD playground and it's abandoned so, as well as the woods)

The creek was about 6 feet deep.

The boys took their phones out of their pockets and put them in my purse,

I would have taken off my shirt and swam in my bra and shorts but my stupid self forgot to put on a bra.

"Abigail! Come on jump in."
Caleb said.

"I forgot to put on my bra." I laughed.

"So? We've taken health class, it's not like we don't know what it is." He laughed.

I took off my shirt and jumped in.

Holy shit this felt weird.

"Guys I brought zucc mello juice" I said  trying to break the silence.

"I'll take some." Fin said.

I got out and got a bottle from my purse and threw it to him.

I went back in.

"Blake is there a rock next to you I can sit?
"No, but you can sit on my leg." He laughed.

I did and we talked, he seemed nervous.

"Abigail, can I do something?" He asked smiling.


He leaned in and his lips locked mine.

"Holy fucknuggets"  I thought to myself.
He pulled away to see how I would react.

I smiled and kissed him back, my face felt hot, soon we were making out so hard.

His lips on my neck, I felt so tingly.

After about 15 minutes we both pulled away and smiled.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Abigail, I just never knew how to tell you."

"Blake, I've always loved you too." I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He blushed and we all got out and dried off.

I put my shirt back on and we continued to hike on the trail.

We came across an old house.

"Guys should we go in?" Fin asked.

"Let me check it out first." I said going inside.
I took out my EMF detector and walked around.

Nothing. This house was okay.

I told the guys to come inside.

They came in and we looked around together.

"This place is pretty stable for being old." Caleb said looking around.

"I know right." Blake said.

"This is our secret place now." I said.

"Okay, well me and Fin will go this way, and you and Blake can go the other way.

We did so and went to the other bedroom.

The bed was fine, needed dusting off but we can fix that.

Blake sat on the bed and I sat on his lap, facing him.

We started kissing again, I felt hot and flustered. I laid down and he was on top of me, kissing me.
I smiled and we continued to make out.
After 30 minutes we stopped and I checked my phone. It was 5:00 and it was going to get dark soon.

"We should go get Fin and Caleb." I giggled.

Blake smiled and we got up.

I went into their room, but before I could open open the door, They were sitting down playing Smash Bros. I opened the door and did the most feminine moaning voice I could and said, "Harder daddy."

Fin looked at me and threw a pillow, "shut up." He laughed.

I closed the door and waited. About 5 minutes later They came out.

"FINALLY." Blake laughed.

We got out and walked through the trail to get to the park.

We were all talking, Fin and Caleb walking in front, Blaze and I walking in the back.

Blake was holding my hand and smiling.

"Guys I have to pee." Fin said.

"Okay we'll wait for for you." Blake said.

Blake kissed me then my neck a little.

"That's for being the best girlfriend ever." He giggled.

"Aww, thank you baby." I said blushing.

Fin came back and we continued to walk.

We got back to the playground and went our separate ways.

I skateboarded home just in time.

"Hey sweetheart." Dean said as I was shutting the door.

"Hey Dad." I said going to my room.

"Sam ordered Chinese takeout, it's in the fridge."

"Okay, I'll be back to get it." I said going down the hall.

I set my stuff down and went back to the kitchen.

I took it out of the fridge and ate quickly. After a long day I was tired.

"Night dad." I said giving Dean a hug.

He hugged me too. "Night baby."

I went to my room and flopped onto my bed.

I plugged up my phone and went to sleep.

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