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I heard the sounds of laughter, talking, children playing. We were entering the village he spoke of earlier and this is where things can be tricky. When there are so many people around it’s not so hard to get confused, which is why I had to pay full attention to what was going on. I didn’t want to come off as some freak to him because I didn’t want to let down my father.
“Hey that belongs to me” A male voice screamed sounding like he was getting into a fight with another and before I knew it the other person was in the air landing right on top of me “SERIOUSLY?” I shouted pushing the heavy person off of me “Hn” Was my escorts answer “Gosh” I stood back up once again dusting myself off from the dirt “Sorry Miss” someone said still obviously standing right next to me “You’re quite the cutie, don’t tell me this joke’s your boyfriend?” “Boyfriend? “ I retorted not sounding so happy about me being involved with someone like Mr. Happy “We don’t have time for this, let’s go” My escort said and I could hear him lightly walking. This was going to be extremely difficult…going through all this trouble everyday tended to make me feel useless…

I’m not useless…damn it

Though I had to admit the thought made me feel slightly sick 'useless?' the word seemed to  repeat thousands of times in my head to the point I just wanted to scream, but nothing came out. A tear slipped down my face and I continued to follow the footsteps of my escort until he came to a stop “One room, two beds” He told a woman. Once he paid her, she lead us down different hallways until she stopped and told us this was our room. I heard the crack of the door and followed behind my escort. I stood not sure where my bed was in the room and if it were just me I would feel around for everything.

But it wasn’t just me and I didn’t want him to know I was blind so here I am staring at nothing and he’s not even moving so how am I supposed to know where to go without feeling around. This was frustrating to no end was I annoyed. “What are you staring at?” His voice rang through my head “Uh…nothing…just thinking..uh…hard” I lied. If there is one thing I hate about being blind it’s that I don’t know where to look, when people are around it sometimes looks like I’m this weird girl.

But I swear I’m not some weird girl...I’m not.

“Okay then” was all he said moving from where he stood, the sound of him sitting on a mattress was heard and I assumed mine would be right across from his and man was I exhausted 'finally' I took off and threw myself down on what I thought was my bed, but boy was I wrong “Ow” I groaned rubbing my head that slammed on the floor with the rest of my body

Sasuke’s Pov

This girl was coming off a bit strange, but maybe that was just me. I sit down on my bed feeling the comfort of the soft mattress. I started to lay back but my attention drew to the girl who went running and jumped into the floor. I was right she was strange 'what the hell?' (Anime sweatdrop)  “Ow” She moaned rubbing her head “What did you expect? You shouldn’t take a running start into the floor” I started smirking. I had to admit that really made my day “I-I was just tired and missed the bed, that’s all” she started getting up. Come to think of it she seemed to always be one with the ground and she missed the bed by a lot considering it was right next to mine. But whatever maybe she was just tired or was it something else? Hn.

Kira’s Pov


This can’t be happening what’s my next excuse? Am I going to tell him I’m drunk and needed guided? No I’ve never drunk in my life, better off I don’t even have the breath of alcohol 'great' He wouldn’t understand if I told him. Father Raikaga wouldn’t want me telling people that I’m blind, they see it as a disadvantaged but I don’t know what to do if I can’t feel around for things. “You see…the thing is I’m not feeling well. Could you help me to my bed?”

“Hn? Jeez” He grumbled softly getting up and walking towards me.  I felt his hand on mine slowly pulling me and all I could think was how ashamed I felt
I wanted to cry…how useless.

He stopped walking as if we reach something so I assumed it was my bed. I had my eyes closed because of the tears that wanted to fight their way out.  I fell back into the bed and twisted myself around; facing the pillows I dug my head into them.  I wanted to forget how useless I felt but no matter what there was always something making me feel like I’m nothing.

 I heard him fall against his bed and within minutes I heard the sound of his light mumbles and slight snoring. I giggled finding his sleeping very cute, but I’d never admit that to anyone. I’m blind so I never really though anyone would want me.  Besides he’s just a rude guy anyway…and I’d never fall for anyone like that. I don’t like him at all what a jerk

“mm m mm mm” Sounded like he was having a conversation which me laugh. I wonder if Mr. Happy has a soft side to him after all? I ignored the thought and let myself fall asleep. I would need it for tomorrow’s trip.

“Get up and this time I mean it” said that annoying guy that escorts me “No” I grumbled snuggling into my pillow “I’ve about had it with you, I’ve told you three times already”
 “No you haven’t” I groaned then had a flash of him telling me
'Get up we are heading out in 20 minutes' 20 minutes later I was still asleep “Get up we are heading out soon” and then there was now

“That’s it” I felt something tug at my feet and soon I was on the floor twisted around and tossed on his back “HEY PUT ME DOWN” I shouted rubbing my eyes “No I told you three damn times “ Was his answer and I knew he was irritated when he slammed the door shut “Jeez so early” I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear “Its noon…you slept till noon” he huffed earning a small laugh from me “I usually get up at 2 or 3” I stated resting my head on his back “Lazy much?” He remarked

 “Lazy eh? Try working your ass off all day; every day for years and never once getting praised for your hard work because your different than everyone else” I said still resting my head on his back “I feel you. But as 'they' say hard work pays off” he stated making me wondering if he was trying to be nice or was this just something he would say because it’s his mission.

While he has no reason to be nice to me so I guess he was ordered to make sure I was comfortable while we traveled back to his village.  I waited a minute or two before saying what I really felt about hard work
“How do you know it pays off? What if you work hard all your life to discover that all you have is the hard work and nothing else? Sure you may be strong but what about everything else? What if you never reach those goals or what if you have no one to share your accomplishments with…what if no one cares? Then your hard work never pays off” I said and he responded back immediately “I accomplished my goals, I didn’t care about what people thought and who I would share them with. That’s because they were my goals and what anyone else thought didn’t matter. I figured my hard would pay off and it did, up until things changed a bit. But in the end I guess you should have someone you can sure your accomplishments with and maybe…just maybe you’re just lucky enough to have that idiot in your life who never gives up on you”

–“And you have an idiot in your life that never gives up on you?” I asked out of curiosity and surprise considering he wasn't all that nice.

“Yeah a real knucklehead. You probably have one too or are you the goofy friend? I mean you did run into the floor” he chuckled “Eh not fair your using my past against me” I smirked “Past against you? Hm well it wasn’t that long ago anyways” he shifted my weight up some and took off with speed and when I felt us raise and fall, I knew we were out of the village.

That’s when I thought about he said 'You probably have one too' he was wrong…very wrong. Despite gaining respect in my village, I doubted anyone really considered me a friend.  A few of them were happy I was leaving for a while because they see me as a threat.  The elders of my village who knew of my ability want me killed, but father Raikaga had refused.  Unless something changes he just might have to bend to what they want and he may have to kill me.  The worst part is that I didn’t care if I died…that’s when Useless often played over in my head.  

'She’s a monster' 'Kill her while she’s sleeping, if you care so much about her she will die peacefully' 'An association is coming after our village because of that monster,  we need to get rid of her once and for all' the words that the elders spoke to my father that day.  I heard everything they said and despite what they had told him. His answer was ‘no’ but not a secure one. I think if my father had to, he might kill me for the sake of the village.

My hair flew back as he jumped branch to branch and for the moment I didn’t mind him carrying me.  I really did feel sick because of going to a new village. I didn’t know the people there and I knew if anyone found out about me I was probably going to be seen as the joke of a ninja. 

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