I'm Sorry, Goodbye

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A/N: Wooow so 373 people had read this story and season 7 whooooo. Thank you guys so much for this! I remember first writing this stroy and think ng that no body would read it and wow here I am. So to celebrate here you guys go a long awaited chapter. Lets go!
Attention: Spoilers for season 7 of Voltron. You have been warned.

Keith P.O.V

I still can't believe that we made it home. Lance got to see his family as well as Pidge. It's bittersweet. I'm happy to see my friends with their families, but it makes me sad cause I don't know if my mom is still alive. My father died in a burning building trying to help anyone that was still in there, but before they could get him out the building collapsed due to it being unstable. But now all I have with me are my friends and my wolf.

I felt a nudge on my leg and I see my cosmic colored wolf.

"Hey buddy, whats up?" I asked him thinking he would talk to me. He moved his head up like he was saying, 'Look'. I looked in the direction that my wolf wanted me to look. I felt my heart stopped. Allura blushing at Lance. It looked like that they were staring into each others eyes. Like what lovers do. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

'I should've known better' I thought to my self. I turned around and started walking to one of the aircrafts to complete the missions.I plance my hand by my side and a folded piece of paper was in my hand. I squeezed it tightly like it was going to disappear.

"Ready cadet?" I asked him.
"Yeah lets get this over with" he responded.

*Time Skip*

"Its a bomb!" Hunk exclaimed as the mec started to power up.
I raised my lion and told everyone to get ready. I knew what I have to do. I look to my right and to my left. Their families need them not me. As soon as we hit the upper atmosphere I did what I have to do.

"Hunk never stop cooking ok?" He looked confused but before he could say anything the yellow lion took him back to earth.

"Pidge keep on questioning everything" Right before she left I heard he scream no.

"Allura, take care of Lance for me" And with that Allura was gone and she looked hurt.

"Keith please don't do this! I'm begging you!" I looked over to Lance and tears were streaming down his face.

"Lance never stop being loving and kind" I said with a sad smile, "I'm sorry"


"Goodbye Sharpshooter" and that was the last thing before he went back to earth.

I maged to get the robot out of earth and it was a good distance between earth.

"Goodbye Shiro, I'll say hi to Adam for you" And that was when the robot exploded.

Lance's P.O.V

Come on! Come on! Why can't I control you!

"Please Red Keith need me!" I screamed at him. My heart is pounding and tears are streaming down my face. By the time I got on land I see Pidge, Hunk, and Allura trying to find a way to go back up there to help Keith.


I look up to see a bright purple/pink light and something falling from it. I stole a Garrison car and started driving it toward the explosion.
As soon as I see a red wing my heart started pounding.

"Keith, Keith, KEITH!" I started yelling his name. I ran towards the black lions mouth. I went to the cockpit of he black lion and there was Keith.


I started shaking him to make sure that my worst nightmare wasn't true. While shaking him a white piece of paper fell out of his left hand along with something shiny. I careful unfolded the note.

To whoever is reading this,
Tell Katie Holt that she was the greatest little sister. She helped understand things that I would never understood.
Tell Hunk that he is an amazing person. He was the one who held the team together.
Tell Allura that she is a beautiful woman. Tell her that it was ok that she hated me.
Tell Lance that I loved him. I love the way he jokes around people, how understanding he is, how much love and compassion he has.
Lance if your reading this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not always being there for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't confess earlier and you wouldn't have to deal with this. I know you love Allura I can tell. I'm sorry that I existed. If I was never born. Then you wouldn't be here.

Tears fell from my face until I saw a little arrow.

Give this ring to Lance McClain. This is to let him know that he is important

My eyes widen and looked for the ring.

(This is the ring :p)

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(This is the ring :p)

My eyes widen of the beauty of the ring.

*Time skip to the memorial*

I look over to Pidge. She has her glasses off and was wearing an all black suit with a red heart necklace.
Hunk has a black suit with a red tie.
Allura has a dress that stoped at her ankles and has red earrings.
Coran has a black suit with a red rose on it.
And Shiro has a red beaded bracelet that Keith made him when he was 14 as a thank you.

"Today we suffer loss. We lost the red paladin Keith Kogane. His death was not in vain. Beacuse of him and the other paladins we wouldnt be standing right now. We are alive beacuse of the men and women who sacrificed their lives to make sure we live another day. Today lets not mourn but celebrate the lives that were lost. Let us live like they wanted us to. Thank you" Shiro was holding back tears by the time he was finished with his speech.

"Lance I know how we made it back to earth." Pidge looked at me with sad eyes.
"When I was looking at Green I saw a what looked like a tracking device. Thats why the lions did what they did. Lance..... Keith planned them there. He planned this." Pidge stated with tears streaming down her face.

My eyes widen at this fact. Why? Why did he do this.

*Another Time Skip I know you cna hate me later on this*

This was the day I wasn't ready for.

Keith's funeral.

Everyone was wearing black with something red. The sun was out, the Hibiscus flowers where in bloom and today was just perfect. To perfect to lose someone. I stared down at the grave of my rival, friend, leader, paladin, and someone that I loved.

When we going up to pay our repects there was a mother and her four year old daughter. The little girl had something but I couldn't see it. When I went up I started to cry all over again.

There was Keith looking peaceful and on his left shoulder was a little red lion with a card that said thank you.

I felt the tears coming and I walked away.

A/N: Oh my god I bet this sucks. Well I tryed doing something angsty. Thank you guys so much for reading my story!! I will try to post more chapter but with school starting its going to take some time.

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