Keith Doesn't Know How to Say No To This

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A/N: Ok they me explain this is is an alternative universe that Keith and you are famous singers and wanted to do a colab. So you guys do this song and may people ship you guys together. So... HA! I know what I'm doing for the most part. Let's go!

Y/N PoV 

I stared at my blank notebook trying to figure something out. I tapped my pencils against the table. I gave out a frustrated groan. I heard someone knocking on my door. I shouted for them to come in. Keith Kogane. Well I'm fucked. The thing is we're trying to figure out a song for our new album. Our records said that we need to have one colab for the album. 

"What's up?" I asked him.

"The sky. Just kidding. So how's the song going?" Keith asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I'm having trouble trying to find inspiration" I told him truthfully.

"Oh I see. Well I'll try to help you!" He explaimed. I nodded and he looked like a kid on Christmas. Minutes turned into long hours. Keith had a bored expression. He was hanging off my bed with a juice box in his mouth.  His long black hair fell of the bed his dark purple eyes looked up at the floor then the ceiling.

"Any ideas N/N?" Keith asked me for the eighteenth time

"No" I responded back.

I grabbed my phone and plugged my headphones in. I started to listen to some music. All of a sudden the song "Say No To This" from Hamilton. My eyes lit up with inspiration.

"Hey do I have to write a song or can we a cover?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

" I guess. He did say that we need to have a duet. Why?" Keith asked me.

I got up from my spot and I took my phone with me. I gave him my phone and my headphones. He started listening to it and half way through he turned a little pink. 

"Ok them we need like two other people in this as 'Aaron Burr' and 'Mr. Reynolds'. Do you know anybody?" Keith looked at me with a curious look on his face.

"I know who can be 'Arron Burr' and do you know anyone who can be Mr. Reynolds?" I answered. He paused before he said anything. His eyes lit up and grabed his phone.

"I know exactly who to call!" Keith exlaimed with a giant grin on his face.

*Time Skip*

After a few minutes of wait I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and I saw Takashi 'Shrio' Shirogane and Lotor. The first few minutes was us catching up and all that.

"Thank you guys for coming. So the real reason we called you so we can do a colab. So this is the song that we're doing" I handed them my phone and they listened to the song. Their facial expressions changed around half way through the song.

"Are you guys sure you want to do this? This is a very sexual song you know?" Shiro warned us. We already knew the risks of doing a collaboration on a sexy song. We talked about how the music video was going to play out and how this is going to work.

*Another Time skip

We figured out the parts, Shirl is Aaron Burr, Lotor is James Reynolds, Keith is going to be Alexander Hamilton, and I'm going to be Mrs. Maria Reynolds. I never played as a very sexual character before so here I go.

Key and play song after key

Shiro Normal

Lotor Italizied 

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