Chapter 4

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Angelina, Loren, and Jamie^^
"What did you just say Nathaniel?" I say as I turn to my dumbass brot-cousin. He raises his eyebrows and says "I'm saying nothing but the truth Angelina " I'm about to say something but Chris beats me to it by tackling him to the ground and punching him "You" *punch* "Have" *punch* "No" *punch* "Right" *punch* "To" *punch* "Say" *punch* "That" *punch* "When" *punch* "You" *punch* "Have" *punch* "No" *punch* "Idea" *punch* "What* *punch* "Your" *punch* "Talking" *punch* "About" he keeps punching Nate until Nate throws Chris off of him. He runs over to the mirror and yells "YOU RUINED MY FACE" Chris just chuckles evilly and says "That's for all the times you punched Angelina in the face with your words!" Nate glares at him and says "My kids can't see me like this! They are gonna be terrified of me" in my mind I say 'as if they aren't already' but I guess I accidentally said it out loud cause Nate said "Shut the fuck up Angelina!" With that he turned and walked out of the room. I turned to Chris and said "Did you seriously have to do that? Like I know he deserves it but you kind of just let him win! He knows how to get to you now!" This makes Chris obviously furious, I can tell cause he squints his eyes and he clenches his fists. He looks at me like I'm stupid and says "I just defended us..No! I defended you and your ability to not choose between two different things! Well in this case two different people! You should be thankful too! I punched him in the face for all the time he punched you in the face with his words Angelina!" I sigh and say "I know I know and I am thankful! It's just that as much as I would love for each of my brothers to get a good beat down cause they deserve's just if we beat them we let them win cause then they know that I'm hurting and that I care!" He rolls his eyes and says "Who Cares!? They are getting what they deserve Angel! That is what should matter not some stupid game of who's winning and who's loosing!" I open my mouth to say something but Chris cuts me off and says "You know what? No. I am gonna leave right now and let you think about everything.....and yes we are done!" He walks out of my room and Winter yells "SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!" from all the way on the other side of the house. I sigh and let my tears fall once again. I text Marie and tell her goodbye and I text Nate and thank him for letting Chris punch him. I know what a bitch move but Nate could have easily tossed Chris off of him and do what Chris did to him but worse, I mean he works out for like 4-8 hours a day and he's 10 years older than Chris so it is just common sense. Nate replies with

'You got lucky I let your stupid little boyfriend number two ruin my perfect face, next time he won't be so lucky and his injuries will be WAY more severe. 😏😉👊👎'

I just ignore it cause I already regret thanking him but he would have probably sent me a warning text anyway so whatever.
*10 days later*
"Loren I am really not in the mood to go to a party right now!" I whine as my best friend try's to get me to get ready for a party. My other best friend Jamie nods her head in agreement and says "Yea Lorie, we have a quiz in math class tomorrow and I would really like to pass it besides you know parties aren't my thing!" Lorie shakes her head and says "Yet you still go to them J! And Angie your always in a party mood and it's usually you convincing us to go to a party! Come on!" I roll my eyes and say "I just don't wanna go tonight! Why do you wanna go to the party so badly anyways?" Lorie's face immediately turns into a baboons butt cause she is blushing like crazy, I turn to look at J with a big smirk on my face and see that she has the same look so we turn back to Lorie and we both say "You only wanna go cause it's Jasen's party" she tries to deny it but J and I give her a look that means 'you better not lie to us' so she says "Fine! Yes I only wanna go cause it's Jasen's party! But it's a college party so it will be way more fun!" I roll my eyes and say "Jasen is 21 years old Lorie it will be an illegal relationship if it happens!" She glares and says "Don't remind me!". You see I have known Jasen and all of his siblings since preschool. I only knew them cause the youngest brother Charlie was only a year older than me so I saw him all the time. But when I got to fifth grade I was transferred to a different school to a public school but whatever who cares about that part. Anyways I kept in contact with all the people at my old school and I made friends at my new one where I met J and Lorie. Eventually I introduced all my old friends to my new ones and Jasen and Lorie hit it off pretty well and Lorie has had a huge crush on him ever since, but Jasen on the other hand was completely oblivious to that crush and had plenty of girlfriends even though they were and still are super close to this day. I sigh and say "Fine I'll go! But only because we need Jasen to stop being and idiot!" J shakes her head no and says "You guys can go without me cause I need to go home and start studying" Me and Lorie look at each other than back to J and say "Pact" pact means we have to go with the person no matter what. J groans and says "Fine! But I'm only agreeing to go cause you said pact!" I chuckle and say "Okay let's make Lorie look hot tonight so the idiot notices her." We all nod are heads and we start getting ready.
This is Lorie's outfit
(with her blonde hair put into a cute bun on the top of her head)

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