Drew had gotten up to go to the bathroom, Will looked at me. “Thank you Jack.” He said.

 “For what?” I asked.

“She told me about what happened with Nash, and what you did. I have respect for you Jack, and you don't know just how much. You protected her, that means a lot.” He explained.

 “I'd do it again.”

 “I know, can you promise me that no matter what you would do it again? Nash is unpredictable and I can't trust him to stay away from her. She's all I got Jack, and I can't see her get hurt.” He said, and I knew that behind what he said, he meant me hurting her too.

 “I won't let her get hurt, I promise.”

 “That's all I needed to hear.” He smiled.

 When she got back from the bathroom, we paid, and left the restaurant. Will wanted to get up to his room and get some sleep before Magcon started tonight. He said good-bye to us, and gave Drew a hug before stepping into the elevator.

 “What do you want to do?” I asked Drew.

 “Want to go back to your room and watch movies?”

 “Yeah, come on baby.” I said, wrapping my arm around her.

 We went back to my room. Jack wasn't around, he was probably in Sam's room. I opened my laptop, as she picked a movie. We laid down on the mattress, her small body pressed against me. She's the only thing in the world, I wouldn't mind always having with me.

 My mind could not focus on the movie, due to the beautiful girl I had laying with me. I smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I was interrupted when I got a call from my Mom, I stepped out into the hall so I could take it, and not pause the movie.

“Rick is back.” Were the only words my Mom said.

 I wouldn't call him Rick, more like certified asshole. He's my Step-Dad he has been for a few years. He's nothing but a piece of shit. He is always leaving, coming back, and doing the same thing over again. And when he is home, all he can do is drink.

 “Of course he is.” I muttered.

“Don't be like that sweet heart.”

“You know how I feel about him Mom, I don't see why you put up with him so much. He treats you like shit, hell he treats me like shit.” I said, my voice raising.

 “Please don't yell at me Jack. This is what Rick said you'd do.”

 “I'm not yelling, I'm frustrated.” I breathed, trying to control my anger.

It's happening again, ever since Rick has come into my life. All this anger is pent up inside me, and I have to get it out some how. I use my fists, and punch whatever I can get my hands on. It's how I was able to beat Nash like a rag doll.

 All I can see infront of me is Rick's mocking face, and all I want to do is make him pay for all the hurt he's caused my Mom.

 “He's a piece of shit Mom.” I sighed.

“I love him Jack.”

 “Then you have a pretty fucked up idea of love.” I said, before hanging up the phone.

 I clenched my fists, taking a deep breath. Trying not to react the way I am used too. I opened the door, going back into the bed with Drew. Wrapping my arms around her, hoping her presence would make everything okay.

 “Baby are you okay?” She asked, pausing the movie.

 “No.” I whispered.

 “Do you want to talk about it?”

 “My Step-Dad is back.” I explained. “And all I want to do is kill him more.”

 She took my hands in hers, placing a kiss to my knuckles. “Don't.” Was what came from her lips. “You don't have to be strong all the time Jack. It's okay.”

 “If I'm not strong, than what am I?”

 “A human being.” She said. “We all break Jack, but know no matter what. I'll be here to put the broken pieces back together.”

Drew Grier: A Broken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now