What Pasta Watches Over You?

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1. What appeals to you the most?
A. Video Games
B. Smiling
C. Knives
D. Candy
E. Nature

2. Pick a power
A. Electricity
B. Insanity
C. I have no power, just stealth
D. Is candy a power?
E. Teleportation

3. What are you surrounded by?
A. Myself, isolated in my own world
B. Hate, just hate
C. Mockery, bullying
D. Sadness, but I just smile through it
E. I'm not surrounded by anything. They all just run away

4. What kind of guy/girl would you go for?
A. The seemingly isolated one but fun to be around when you know them properly
B. The invisible one, the one that's hard to get but easy to find
C. The one people bully but once you get closer, they're beautiful
D. The one with a sad life but smiles through even in very tough times
E. Maybe the quiet one but not too quiet to stand up for him/herself

5. What life seems a luxury to you?
A. For me to be open with everyone
B. Friends and people surrounding me
C. People not to bully me
D. For me not to be the only one smiling
E. Happiness, myself and others

6. How would you treat your children?
A. I'd make them know they're not alone
B. I'd help them with any worries
C. I'd just give them a better life then me
D. I'd teach them how to smile in hatred
E. I'd teach them that things with get better

7. How would you like to die?
A. Finally breaking down my walls
B. Getting over the haters
C. Knowing I'm not the only one smiling
D. Knowing that the saddens is gone
E. Having people around me

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