New Job

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Yugi woke early like normal, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, then looked around. He was in his new bedroom under his frayed and dusty silk sheets. He'd remembered he had to wake up Prince Yami and prepare him a bath in the morning before making his bed before accompanying him to breakfast. Yugi slipped into fresh clothes which consisted of a white shendyt and shirt with streaks of crimson running through.

Yugi slipped into Yami's room silently and hung out the princes clothes on the stand by the bathroom. He then creeped into the bathroom and prepared a bath for the Prince with lavender essence in. He then walked over to the Prince and knelt in front of his face before talking.

"Master, your bath is prepared and it is time to wake up." Yugi spoke softly and his words met the princes ear, gently pulling him from sleep.

"The meetings not until next week..." Yami groaned in his groggy state of sleep and wake.

"Master you have a meeting in 30 minutes." Yugi replied softly causing Yami's eyes to shoot open but he calmed once he saw Yugi.

"Thank you my bath ready?" Yami asked and Yugi nodded silentl. "I will go bath then." Yami told him and slowly climbed out of bed.

When Yami had disappeared into the bathroom, Yugi made his bed and stood silently with his head down until Yami came over to him, fully dressed  and covered in jewellery.

Yami lifted his head and Yugi avoided eye contact until Yami forced him to look him in the eye and Yugi is frozen in fear.

"You are a beautiful boy, Yugi." Yami stated and Yugi blushed deeply. "Why do you not see my affection for you?" He asks and Yugi looks down.

"We will be late soon, master." Yugi tells him quietly and Yami leads him out.

They enter the dining room and Yugi is guided to sit beside Yami.

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