Character sketch

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Swayam Shekhawat ( Introducing Shantanu Maheshwari as the male protagonist

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Swayam Shekhawat
( Introducing Shantanu Maheshwari as the male protagonist.)

Swayam's mom- Sadhna Shekhawat

Swayam's dad- Rishi Shekhawat

Swayam's sister- Taani

Swayam's nephew- Alia
(She is daughter of Taani.)

Swayam's bff- Reyaansh

Other friends of Swayam-

Sharon Rai Prakash(Introducing Vrushika Mehta as the female protagonist

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Sharon Rai Prakash
(Introducing Vrushika Mehta as the female protagonist.)

Sharon's family
(Shall be disclosed as the story proceeds.)

Pia Mehra
(The second female protagonist.)

Pia's mom- Avantika Mehra

Pia's dad- Gautam Mehra

Avantika and Gautam's son- Siddharth Mehra aka Sid.

Pia's bff- Simmi

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