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A/n: sorry for being gone for so long. I had a huge writers block and I was emo. YOTE. Anywhoo, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its not v long but oh 🐳

Y/N P.O.V.

His words echo through the combines of my empty mind. My heart begins to race. I can feel my face turn a burning red. I sit there, staring at his face. Full of sincerity and curiosity. I scramble for words not wanting to keep him waiting. "I-I... Uhm-" "You dont need to answer right away. I understand that its sudden and you need time but, I just wanted you to know." He smiles at me and I nod. "Joon wont have you so easily." He chuckles and leans back, crossing his arms. I laugh.

Soon the short woman comes back out still as pissed as ever but apparently wanted to keep her job and kept her mouth shut. She places the plates infront of us on the table. Hoseoks first, then mine. I was going to thank her, but she didnt miss her chance to knock over my glass of water onto my lap.

I gasp as the icy water splashes into my thighs and lower stomach. The water seeped into my jeans and stung my exposed thighs through the holes of my pants. I felt my fists ball as she effortlessly tossed a rag at me, laughing and walking away.

I felt the blood in my veins boil, my heart began to slow and my stomach twisted in anger. The adrenaline took over and i quickly stand from seat, my eyes locked on her as everything goes fuzzy. I feel my feet touch the ground rapidly. I see my arm extend out to her fucking hair and I'm ready to throw her out the window.

When I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

Pulling me back into reality.

I look around and see hoseoks forehead resting on my shoulder.

I was so angry I forgot he was here
I get a lump in my throat.

"H-hoseok..." I place my hand over his to try and pry him off. But his fingers lock infront of me

"Lets go get you cleaned up" he lifts his mouth to my ear and his words calm me. His breath against my ear sent shivers down my body.

"Ok" I say weakly as he takes my hand into his. We walk to the front desk where Namjoon is, once again. He looks at my hand in hoseoks and sees my expression. A mixture of sadness and irritation painted over my face. "Y/N-ssi. Are you alright?" He says as he ducks down to see my face better. I look up and force a smile with all the energy I have. "Yeah. I'm good." He smiles back but his eyes are still full of concern. Hoseok reads my expression like a news article and leans closer "do you want to step out and wait for me for a second. Ill be out soon. I promise"  he says through a smile. I nod and walk out the front doors. I take a deep breath and walk up to hoseoks locked car and lean against the hood.

Hoseoks P.O.V.

I watch Y/N walk out the front doors and wait a few seconds before turning to joon. "Namjoonie. I'm sorry for freaking out on you earlier but... Y/N's very important to me." I tilt my head and rub my neck. He seems to understand pretty well. Hes never been the type to cause trouble and definitely isnt a guy who I'd worry about betraying me. "Listen... You see that girl over there?" I point at the woman who pissed off Y/N so much. "She was rude and spilled water all over Y/N on purpose." His eyes widened and I could see him get angry as well.

"I want her fired" with that I paid and walked out of the cafe

I walk out and see Y/N leaning against the hood of my car. I feel my heart skip. A small smile crept up on my face. The wind blows her long brown hair back and reveals her face. Her eyes were squinted and her brows were furrowed. She pulled her jacket out away from her and looked at it. Wiping it with her sleave. She shivers and I make my way over to her.

Y/N P.O.V.

"Want me to take you home?" I let go of my hoodie and my eyes meet with hoseoks. "No, I thought we were supposed to hang out?" I smile and he chuckles. "Yeah. I still need to feed you too" he laughs again as he takes my bandaged hand into his, gently stroking it with his thumb. I can see his adams apple bob as he swallows hard. I grasp his hand and he looks surprised. I look up into his eyes and smile. A genuine smile. Our faces are so close and hes leaning over me. His lips are parted and close to mine. His eyes are squinted and my arms wrap around his waist as I duck under his face and rest my head on his chest.

His heart beat is rapid but calming. His skin is hot. I feel his chin rest on my head and his arms drape over my back. "Where do you wanna go Y/N?" He says as he rubs my back.


I really dont need time to know how badly I want him

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