Falling in love with the popular girl

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You know for the first time in 16 years Y/n was falling in love. She was falling hard for someone she can not get case the one she likes case the one she is in love with is daring the popular boy. Y/n is a nerd that gets picked on.

Y/n is sitting in the libery doing her homework. She heard Cardi and her boyfriend Offset fighting. They where fighting over something that she said. Y/n knows that Cardi belongs with her. Soon Y/n when home. She did not want to hear that.

Y/n lives next to Cardi. Y/n looked out her window and seen Cardi on her bed. Y/n took out her large note paid.

'you ok?'~ Y/n

Cardi looked up and then writen.

'Not really.' ~ Cardi

'Wassup?'~ Y/n

'Got into a fight with my boyfriend.' ~Cardi

'I'm sorry' ~ Y/n

'going to prom?' ~ Cardi

'no I have homework.' ~ Y/n

Soon Cardi close her curtens. Before Y/n could show her, her note, I love you. Y/n sighed and when back to her homework. "Why can't I get her." Y/n said.


At prom Offset was prom king. As Cardi was walking up case she was prom queen Y/n walked in. She had on a beutiful blue dress, she did not have on her glasses, and she had on some makeup. Cardi turns her head to see the beutiful girl and smiled. Cardi walks over.

Y/n takes out her not. 'I love you' Cardi smiled to and took out hers. 'I love you.'  Cardi walked over and kissed Y/n. Y/n kissed back. Offset was pissed off.

Cardi B imagineWhere stories live. Discover now