The Ellen show

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Cardi's POV

I am at the Ellen show. My wife Y/n is in the crowd. I am sitting next to Ellen. "Hi Cardi." Ellen said. "Hello Ellen." I said. "How are you doing to day?" She asked. "I am fine." I said. "Ok we where going through your instagram when we found some photos."

A photo of me and my wife Y/n popped up. I smiled when I seen them. "That my wife." I said. "Your married? And is she here?" Ellen asked. "Yes I am marred, and she is there." I said and pointed over to where Y/n was.

The camera's when over to where she was. She blushed a bit and waved. "Can she please come down please?" Ellen asked. Y/n got up and walked over and sat in my lap. "Hi Y/n." Ellen said. "Hey Ellen." She said. I put one hand on Y/n's leg.

Y/n looked at me. "How long have you to been married?" Ellen asked. "About 2 years." I said. "Wow that is a long time to keep it from the world." Ellen said. "We wanted to keep it on the DL." Y/n said. Ellen nodded.

"You two are cute together." Ellen said. "Thank you Ellen." Y/n said. Y/n gave a shy smile. It is cute as hell man. I love it when she smiles. "So how old where you two when you meet?" Ellen asked. "We where about 18 years old." I said.

Cardi B imagineWhere stories live. Discover now