meting the family

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Your POV

I am meering Cardi's family. Cardi has been asking me to met her family. I said yes. I held her hand as we when to her mom's house. I acted really shy around her family. "Y/n why are you acting so shy?" Cardi's mom asked. "I am normaly not around so many people."

I looked at her and then looked at the ground. Cardi put a hand on mine. She locked her's in mine. I smiled once she did that. "She has the cuties smile!" Cardi's sister said. "That is one of many things I fell in love with."

Cardi pulled me into her lap. I put my head on her shoulder.  "AWE!" Me and Cardi heard. Cardi makes me feel like a princess all day everyday. I smiled.

Cardi B imagineWhere stories live. Discover now