Chapter Eleven: The Witch

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The infected rat crawled up the zombie's leg. The rotting man leaned down, taking the animal in its decaying hands and petting it as if it were a tiny kitten.

"Good girl," the corpse said. The witch cringed as the rat began chewing on an exposed sore on the zombie's hand.

She had waited until the others were all asleep before she left her room and made her way up to the abandoned apartments upstairs. Crash hadn't seemed to want to go to sleep, so she'd had to use her powers to force him into a deep sleep. She knew she didn't have much time before the spell she'd cast on him wore off, but she needed to tell the Dark One what she'd done and what she'd learned so far.

"Mistress," she said, bowing before the corpse. "I did as you asked and infected five dead humans with enormous amounts of the virus, but—"

"You failed." The zombie turned its head to look at her. One of its eyes was missing. "You failed when there were only three guardians. When their powers were still weak. Now, there are four. I can feel their connection to each other growing. They're getting stronger, and it's only just the beginning. They cannot ever reach the fifth or their memories and the full force of their powers will return to them."

"I tricked them into believing I'm the fifth," the witch said, bowing her head. "They won't be looking for anyone else, now."

"Foolish child, you are a slow learner," the Dark One said. "Are you really sure you're worthy of my attention? Of my presence?"

The witch sucked in a breath and bowed her head. The Dark One had been so nice to her at first, praising her and telling her she was special. What had she done to deserve this change in her mistress? Had she disappointed her that badly?

Her chest tightened. "Yes, Mistress," she said. "I'm sorry."

"The five guardians will always be drawn to each other. As long as they are not together, they will always be looking for the one who completes their group," she said. "And the fifth will be looking for them, too."

The witch looked up, finally understanding. Her trick wouldn't keep them apart for long. The spell that bound them to this world would keep drawing them back together.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Mislead them," she said, her voice resonating in the head of the male zombie. "Get them to doubt one another. Put them in danger every opportunity you get. And whatever you do, don't let them get to the island."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Every day, I see through new sets of eyes," the Dark One said. "Millions answer to me now, their life now flowing through my veins."

"Your powers are growing," the witch said.

"I do not need you to tell me about my powers," the zombie said. "I need you to help me escape this prison of ice."

The witch recoiled at the tone in her mistress's voice. Even though the body her mistress used was weak and rotting, her voice was strong and terrifying.

"I will, Mistress. Just tell me what to do. I'll do anything to serve you," she said. Hot tears stung the corners of her eyes. She just wanted to please the Dark One. She wanted to be important to someone. Valuable.

"If the guardians awaken before I am free, they'll restore the magical shield they placed on this world centuries ago, and I'll be trapped here forever," the Dark One said.

"I won't let that happen," she said. "The stone. I have the fatalis stone. The island will mean nothing without the stone. And I can use it to see if the last guardian is nearby. The fifth isn't here in the city with the others, but if you want me to, I can track him just like I tracked the others."

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