
"Hey, uh Pidge, I don't think this is such a good idea. Maybe we should just leave them alone." The one with pure yellow hues stammered, looking over at his friend.

"Hunk, he's the first mamoran we've seen in years. He could be the perfect study! Just imagine what we could accomplish with the information." The one called Pidge answered curtly, pushing up her round glasses that gave a little twinkle in the sunlight.

Hunk looked apprehensive, frowning. He was a young balmerman engineer who had the knack for science. He always was tinkering away in his workshop; crafting tool that benefits the olkari and their village. As a small child, his family had been enslaved to some really nasty galrans, his parents refused this life for him so they sent him away and into hiding before it was too late. Hunk watched in horror as his parents were shipped off to dabizaal. He spent most of his years wandering, and stealing scrap he could find to sell and earn the money to buy something to eat. After a while, he ran into the Holts, a family of four. That's where Pidge came into the picture. She was a mere age of six when they stumbled upon an eight year old Hunk. Immediately, her parents, Samuel and Collen adopted the boy much to her brother's, Matt, joy. Matt was Pidge's older brother, who was twelve at the time.

Ever since that fateful day, the two have been pratically glued to the hip; often getting caught up in shenanigans. But as of late, Pidge has been feeling a little adventurous as of late. I mean could you blame her? After years of studying the same wildlife year after year, you get bored. So when she spotted the mamoran, the young female olkarian perked up with interest. She ended up dragging her brother along for the ride. He was shy and anxious by nature, but after spending time with his sister, it toned down. just a itsy bit. Here they were stalking the two strangers in the village.

She wondered what their names were, besides it's not everyday you see a galran and yupper together. She was determined to find out more about the pair then the girl lead on, much to Hunk's dismay. The two watched as the duo finished their meal, and paid. They soon headed towards the exit and she jumped into a nearby bush, dragging her brother into hiding as well. The siblings peeked from their hiding spot, watching them go. They could faintly hear arguing, this only peaked her curiosity. Ever so quietly, she slipped out of the plant life, and followed, ignoring Hunk's pleas.

"Pidge! Pidge!" A quiet groan escaped his lips as he dragged a hand down his face.

Having no other choice but to chase after his troublesome sister, he broke off into a small jog.


"We are not sleeping in that motel, I'm certain there's a sixty-nine percent we might catch some horrible sickness. Look at it, it's so poorly kept." Slav ranted, hands going to his mouth.

Keith resisted the urge to stab the yupper right here and then. They had been searching for a decent place to spend the night but every available motel they stumbled upon, Slav would always come up with some ridiculous reasoning. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose again, and turned to his companion.

"We've been to every single one of these damned places, and none of them are safe enough?" He said through gritted teeth, the male was seething; close to snapping.

Hunk and Pidge who lingered in the background, glanced at one another. A knowing a smirk tugging at her lips. This was just the opportunity she was waiting for. Her brother cried.


Uh-oh, he was getting upset. Hunk rarely used her real name, so she knew that she was in deep trouble but couldn't bring herself to care. She was so, so close.

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