Hadrian x Mevia (Bad Boy in High School)

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Mevia was new to the school and was excited to learn anything she always wanted to do for her to get her to know what career goal that she wants to be. She is wearing black dress with red for her bottom, red sandals under, and black choker with a red diamond on it. She has pale skin, black eyes, and dark blue hair with light blue under, and red lip sticks. She was getting good with school works and she gets to talk to students in school and everyone was so nice. She had everything she wanted to do but that is until the bad boy lurks in. Mevia heard rumors about this guy named Hadrian who skips school and gets in trouble for not doing the homework but always gets an A grade on his test which they don't know how he is smart without cheating. He even goes out with his friends and sometimes bully students that gets in his way. They never like that person neither as her. When she went to the cafeteria and sat down with her friends which is Harper and Cassie as they chat when they suddenly that bad boy that she heard about. He is wearing sunglasses, purple jacket with yellow and white shirt in it, grey pants, and white shoes. He has brown spiky short hair, peach skin, and black eyes. He looks mean and emotionless and a bit shady. The student boy behind Hadrian without looking accidentally bump into him and spill the drop of milk behind his head which made everyone gasp.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" the boy tried to apologize.

Hadrian slowly looked at him which made him gulp. He whipped the milk that was on the back of his head and gave him the deadliest glare and grabbed him by the collar.

"Well you should watch where you're going."

Hadrian gave him the punch on his stomach and he groaned in pain as he dropped to the ground holding his stomach. Nobody did anything to stop him and were too scared to be in this situation. Mevia couldn't help but feel very bad for that boy and can't stand it when she also heard almost all the students got beaten up for dumb reasons.

"Get up, freshman! Come on!" he yelled at him talking bad things to him.

He couldn't help but cry.

"Oh crying already? Well I will give you something to make you stop crying."

Hadrian was about to give him a punch as he raised his fist. Mevia had enough and ran after him ignoring her friends' cries of pleas. She went in front of him protecting the beaten boy and blocked his punch with her hand. Hadrian was shocked to see somebody standing up to him. He never thought that no one would ever stop him.

"Leave him alone! Why don't you pick somebody your own size?" Mevia glared at him.

Hadrian blushed a little to see a view of her but shook his head. Hadrian gave her a glare as he could but he knows he's a little scared.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm going to tell the principle what you had done! And send you there!"

"Ohh. I'm so scared." he sarcastically said.

"Well maybe you should be." Mevia glared at him.

"Try me."

Hadrian was about to give her a punch but she didn't look at his face and faced his chest in order to see his moves. She ducked from his punch and went around him and twisted his arm. He yelped in pain and tried to get out of her grip when she flipped him over and made him fell to the ground. Everyone was shocked and admired her bravery and fighting skills. Mevia placed her foot on his back.

"Apologize for hurting him."

Hadrian shook his head which made her press her heel against his back.


"I-I'm...s-sorry! I won't d-do it again!"

The boy nodded and stood up.

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