Chapter 4 - Some boy

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After the show, I went backstage to congratulate the band, but they were nowhere to be found. Why did they leave so fast? Amy and Rick came next to me and we started to talk about the show. The conversation didn't last long and I ended up having to listen to the nasty things Rick was telling Amy.
Eventually, the band showed up and I couldn't be more thankful.
Alex had a huge smile on his face and ran over to me. I could hardly realise what he was doing when I felt him  hugging me so tight I could barely breathe.
"WE GOT SIGNED!!! Can you believe it?! Signed?! With a real label! They want us to record an album!!!!"
"Really?! Congratulations!!! I knew you could make it! You were amazing!" I was really surprised by the news.
He didn't want to let me go. Amy came and waited to be hugged by her brother who just couldn't take his hands off me. He laid his hands on my waist and slightly laughed into my ear with every word he said. He was happy. And so was I. It was perfect!
"I'm so happy! We'll be famous! People will know us! We'll have fans and we'll go on tours and see new places and meet new people!!!" Alex was overjoyed.
We went back to the club and people started to dance.
"Shall we?" Alex asked me.
"Hmm... I don't dance..." I shook my head and wanted to go and sit on the sofa.
"No... You have to! Let's celebrate!"
I tried to move in the sexiest way I could. Matt came with two beers and handed Alex one.
"You're 17, sweetie, you're not allowed to drink!" Matt was laughing about my age.
"It's not funny, Matt! I can drink too!" I complained.
"Nope. You need your parents' approval first"
I rolled my eyes and Alex offered me his beer.
"You little bad girl!"
I shrugged.

Everyone needed a break. A slower song started and we got closer. It was "Wonderful tonight" by Eric Clapton. one my favourite songs. I leaned my head on Alex's shoulder and he hesitantly placed his hands on my waist. Again. We danced so slow and I could feel his hot breath caressing my skin. He smelt like aftershave and lavender.
His lips gently touched my neck, giving me instant goosebumps. My heart started to pound faster and I closed my eyes. Alex's lips were easily trembling while pacing up and down my neck. Soon, little kisses started to cover all my visible skin, as my breath became heavier.
All of a sudden, Jamie showed up and called Alex, who blushed immediately.
"Sorry for interrupting you, but Al, can you come a little?"
My head was spinning, my hands were shaking and my thoughts were screaming. What the hell had just happened?

Left alone, I somehow managed to convince the barman to give me a beer and a tequila shot. I went outside and leaned on a wall. I had no idea where I was, but I wanted to go home. I wanted to forget what had happened the later inside with Alex. Or what was just about to happen.
He was a rockstar now, he had all the rights to flirt with foolish little girls. And I was definitely one of them.
I almost finished the bottle when Al appeared.
"I'm sorry but the guys wanted to celebrate with me. You know, as a band... It's a big achievement for us. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone..."
"I know, Alex. It's ok"
"I just wanted to... Thank you. For everything"
"You don't have to. It's ok"
"You're special, Marie. And different and... Hmm..."
He was taller than me so I had to look up, raising my eyes from the ground, aiming for his face.
He took my face in his hands and kissed my lips slowly and fearfully. I couldn't help but kiss him back with passion. It was perfect.
"Je t'aime, Marie. he whispered into my ear"
I felt like melting on my knees. He sounded so French...
"I love you, Alex. I managed to whisper through my heavy breaths"
But it's too early for that... I wanted to add.

We went home late, but I couldn't sleep.
In the morning I had to go to school, but all I could think of all day long was Alex. I couldn't pay attention to anything else.
"Marie, you ok?" Ann asked me in the cafeteria.
"Yeah, just... Sleepy, you know..."
"I think it's more than this"
"No, just... Nope..."
"A boy?"
"Yeah... Somehow..." I lied about my obsession with her brother.
"Who's he?" she was too curious.
"...some boy... Nothing serious! Met him last night"
My heart stopped.
"How did you...?" I could hardly articulate the words. I had no idea how she'd discovered this.
"Oh, c'mon. He behaved weirdly all morning, he was dreamy, he couldn't focus on anything while I was talking to him... He even spilled orange juice all over my dress! And you two are perfect together! Cheer up!"
"I don't know if we're together... Like together together..."
"Why not?"
"Hmmmm... He's very busy with all this thing with the band and... We don't have time to meet and... I'm not even British... And I'll be gone in a couple months!"
"Oh, c'mon! Be serious! Don't let this turn you down! You know I want all the best for my brother and you are perfect for him! And... He likes you very much too, I'm sure 'bout it!"
She smiled and left the table.
I was absolutely positive we were both drunk the night before when we "confessed our feelings", but everything seemed so real at that moment. Anyways, I had to get my shit together for the rest of the day or else everyone will consider me even more of a weirdo.

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