Chpater 5 - Whatever

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Alex had an infinite imagination. We would spend hours lying in the park or walking the cold wet streets, laughing and talking about the first things that came on our minds.

The band rehearsals were part of my daily program too. The boys were extremely funny and friendly. Everything was perfect. It seemed like the ending of some princess story when the prince finally gets the girl and the live happily ever after in the huge kingdom.

Sometimes (almost daily actually) I would join Alex in the studio and help him write lyrics. What he didn't know though was that I was a guitar player too. I guess that was my dirty little secret.

One day, I remained alone in the recording room with all the instruments and I just couldn't help myself but grab Alex's Jazzmaster and start shredding. I'd missed playing guitar so much in the last couple of weeks... Back in France, I used to play guitar every single day, alone in my room or with my band.
I came up with some very nice riff which turned out to inspire Alex in writing 'A certain romance'. Jamie came first into the room and I didn't realise it until he started talking. His voice was surprised, almost scared.

"What are you doing?"

A very intelligent question, Cookie, what could I do with a guitar and a pick.

"Oh, just... Messing around with some chords and scales... Nothing serious"

"You play guitar?!"

"Yep.... Somehow"

I didn't want to admit I had been playing in little french bands for the last 3 years.

"Wow! You're good, girl! I heard you from the other room and... I couldn't believe it was you playing" Jamie puffed.

"Nice riff, Cookie!" Alex exclaimed as he walked in. "Play it again quickly so that you won't forget it!"

"It wasn't me" Jamie laughed.

"I know what I've heard you dork!"

"Yeah... You know, it was your girlfriend!"

Alex was as shocked as I was when I discovered that British people were driving on the left side of the road.


"What's the matter, Al? It's not like you didn't know! I mean, you were the Sherlock Holmes who looked at my fingertips and concluded that!" I giggled nervously in from of all four of them.

"You knew she could play guitar and didn't let her show us?!" Andy scolded Alex.

"Sherlock Holmes you said... What else did you discover?" Matt beckoned at Alex.

"Eh... I took some lessons back in France and then played in a couple of small bands but I haven't been practicing for a long time so... It's not anything serious... And I don't care about any of your allusions, Matt!"

"Play again!" Alex ordered, pushing the drummer away from my vicinity.

"I don't remember..."

"C'mon! Play something to me!"


The look on his face when I started shredding was priceless! He had so much admiration and happiness into his big puppy eyes...

I loved being in the studio. I felt like it was me the one who was recording there. I had to admit that Alex was a genius of lyrics. How he could make songs staring from little incidents he'd been through or had seen around him was still a mystery to me. He had so many funny and unique ideas!

They were due to realise an EP and a full album the next year. It was time they had chosen a name for the albums and we were still trying to decide upon one. Jamie wanted to name the album 'Dancing shoes', but Matt was opposing.

"C'mon, guys! 'Dancing shoes' sounds good to me!"

"No, no, no! I don't want the album to be called like a song, I want something original!" Alex explained.

"Whatever..." Jamie got angry.

"You'd already named the band, dude! Stay out of it!" Matt ordered.

"Don't quibble about it, guys!"

"Whatever, people!"

"I like it!" Andrew stated. "As an album name!"

"What? No! 'Whatever, people!' It's like we don't give a shit!" Alex refused.

"But I like the word 'whatever'" Andrew added.

"I'll bring a couple more beers!" Alex offered himself.

"Marie, say something!" Matt asked for my opinion.

"I've got something in mind, but I don't know if you'll like it"

"Say it!"

"Wherever people say I am, that's what... I'm not...?"

I wasn't very sure of my proposal. It had just hit me a couple of seconds ago.

"I love it!" Jamie exclaimed.

"What, what, what? Tell me everything!" Alex asked as he entered the room with five beers and distributed them. I was glad to have one for myself. I was a big girl now, a rockstar's girlfriend and I was proud of my new social position at the moment. I was important, there were girls who would've sold their souls to get into my place.

"Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not! It describes us! What we are isn't even close to what people think we are get it guys?" Matt was trying to explain the meaning of the title.

"And it's long, like other song titles on the album!" Jamie added. "What do you think, Al?"

"It's cool! That's it! But who came up with it?"

"Your girl!" Andrew pointed towards me laughing and sipping from his beer.

"Marie?! This makes me love you even more, if it's possible!"

"Get a room, you lovebirds!" Matt complained while Alex was tenderly kissing me.

I didn't want to ever come back to France. My life finally had a meaning.


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