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"Come on!" James called as he ran to the ploat, pulling me with him.

San was steering, and she brought the ploat closer to us.

"Come on, hurry!" She beckoned.

"Slivko first!" James shouted, pointing.

Jack jumped up to help Reg up, then Hank was on. Jack helped Reg lean against the frame before giving me his hand. I hoisted myself up, groaning. I felt dizzy again. Reles and Mills climbed on after me, and I looked to James expectantly. The machine gun stopped and Houston shouted. My eyes went wide, meeting James's.

"Marlow, a little help here!" Houston called.

"I got it, she's temperamental, watch out!" Hank pushed him out of the way, taking over.

The Skull Crawler got closer as Kong pulled himself up slowly. James was still in the water, eyes trained on the scene before us.

"Jay!" I cried, feeling my bones ache.

Another explosion went off, and I looked over to see the Skull Crawler with a flare in its eye. My smile lasted for a split second, wiped away as the Skull Crawler looked to where Mason stood. Hank got the gun working again, and everyone but me was shooting at the Skull Crawler. I watched with tears in my eyes as James turned and ran the other way.

"Irene, don't!" Reg shouted over the gunfire.

I sniffled as I loaded my bow and shot rather aimlessly at the Skull Crawler. It turned its head and then its direction entirely. I followed its line of sight.

"James!" I let out a scream, then a sob.

Jack grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to him, trying to calm me down. Everything within me itched to follow my brother out there. The Skull Crawler went down, taking a propeller to the back. Kong was on his feet again. The Skull Crawler screeched as Kong wrapped the chain around its neck, choking it. It broke free but Kong grabbed it by the tail, body slamming it into a mountainside.

We watched breathlessly as Mason fell down its side. James sprinted to her, screaming her name. She landed in water, but she didn't come back up. The tears strolled down my cheeks again. Kong turned, eyes almost human with concern. The Skull Crawler lunged at him, grabbing him by the neck with its teeth. He slammed it off and they continued their fight. I cried as James was out of my sight and Kong sliced the Skull Crawler's throat open with the propeller.

I watched as he moved to where Mason had fallen, carefully dipping his hand in the water and coming back up with Mason in his palm. She wasn't moving. He let out a chuff. He went back down, and I saw the Skull Crawler on his arm.

"What the hell?" Reg shouted and I felt my heart drop for the third time in the last minute.

I moved to him, pushing my head into his chest and wishing the world would stop. He winced but wrapped an arm around me, breathing heavily. His chest rumbled as he cursed loudly, gasping. I looked over to see Kong's hand (including Mason) now halfway down the Skull Crawler's throat. My own throat went dry. Kong tugged back, but it was no use. He finally grabbed the Skull Crawler by the neck and pulled his other hand back, tongue and internal organs following. He slowly turned and opened his palm on the ground, easing her off of his hand. James popped back into sight as he reached her, shaking her and picking her up so she could cough up water. They held each other as Kong looked at them before walking away.

Reg's pained grunt brought me back to reality and he sunk the floor of the ploat, gritting his teeth. I dropped next to him, ignoring the pain that shot through my arm.

"What's wrong?"

"It burns." He mumbled, hands going for the blood-soaked bandana.

"You shouldn't take it off." I grabbed at his wrists.

The Commander's Sister // Reg SlivkoWhere stories live. Discover now