Photographs and Flirts

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"They're probably upstairs. You know how boys are. I think one of them's your age, actually." Jack told me as he led me around the ship.

"I think I know which one you're talking about." I answered, grabbing onto the back of his sleeve so he would slow down.

"Yeah? His name's Slivko."

"Yeah," I nodded "He dropped his hat."

"Here they are." He opened up a door and led me inside, closing it behind us.

I suddenly felt awkward, especially when I caught Slivko's glance.

"Guys, this is Irene. She's the tracker's little sister." Jack grinned.

"Weren't you Chapman's sister for a while too?" One of the men asked, his face unreadable.

"Reles, watch yourself." The oldest of the men called out, never looking up from his book.

"It was an honest question, Cole." Another one defended his friend.

"Mills, back off." Slivko mumbled, eyes wandering around Jack but not landing on me.

Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head as he pointed to each of the men - boys?- that were in the room.

"That one over there is Reles."

"Hey, sorry for the oh so intruding question." He grinned.

I grinned as Jack introduced the other ones, "That's Mills." He pointed to the one that had stood up for Reles.

"Cole." To the older man, who was reading a book, and had finally looked up to meet my eyes with a heartwarming grin.

"And that there is Slivko." Jack pointed to the boy I had already interacted with.

Slivko grinned the same goofy grin, brushing a hand through his hair as his leg began to bounce up and down. "You can just call me Reg. And you saved my hat."

I only nodded, crossing my hands behind my back and looking down, feeling the heat creep up my neck.

Get it together, Ira. He dropped his hat and winked, it's nothing special. It's stupid.

I scolded myself, tuning them out as they spoke to Jack. It was dark outside, probably around two in the morning, and the lights inside the room were dim. The door swung open, hinges screaming. All heads perked up, looking over. James stood half in the doorway, scrutiny on his face as he scanned the eyes trained on him. He tensed when he made eye contact with Jack, but eased up by the time he reached me.

He gestured his head back, a silent Let's go. I nodded, smiling at the soldiers as I made my way toward James. Cole kept the grin, which made him grow on me within a matter of minutes. Reles and Mills paused their card game to wave me off. Jack smiled back, and Slivko - Reg? winked.

I shook off the feelings that made my heart swell with and stepped out, standing at James's side. He waved politely, muttering something about it having been a pleasure, calling them gentlemen, and then shut the door before Jack could say anything else.

"What'd you find?" I asked after a moment of quiet.

He led me to our room, eyes out for anyone who would also like the answer to my question. He reached for my hand and pushed me in first, shutting the door and flicking the lights on. I eyed him wearily as I popped onto the bed, going to untie my shoes.

"I don't think this is what we thought it was." He finally grumbled, sitting next to me on the bottom bunk.

"What do you mean?" I tugged off one boot and went to work on the other one.

The Commander's Sister // Reg SlivkoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon