"Have you actually stopped, and asked yourself if you love him?" Kat shot the question I wasn't expecting her to, tilting her head to the side. 

I looked up at my friend, who was pressuring me to answer honestly, "I do. I mean --I think I do," I mumbled out, now actually taking the time to interiorize the question and ask it to myself, "I'm just confused. Things have turned out so weird since I moved, it's like I barely even know my friends, or him anymore." I confess, resting my heavy head on both palms of my hands. If you were to ask me this one month ago, I wouldn't even flinch when answering. Now I can't help but to feel guilty for doubting my feelings for the boy I've grown so attached and close to.

Kat remained silent after my confession, what made me raise my sight to check on her. She pressed her lips shut as she stared at me, looking like she wanted to say something but was afraid, "What?"

"You don't really wanna hear my honest opinion." She blurted out softly, letting go of a sigh she was holding back. I furrowed my eyebrows at Kat, leaning slightly closer to her with curiosity.

"No, tell me." I insisted, she rolled her eyes but prepared herself to say whatever she was holding on to.

"I don't like him." Kat whispered shouted, as if she was making a huge effort to not say it out loud. I was now the one rolling my eyes, recalling how many times I've heard this from Kat for the past years, "See, I knew you would react like that. What, do you want me to lie to you? He's a conceited fucker who only cares about his appearance and his sports scholarship. He's too shallow to actually care about your feelings and doubts plus too selfish to do something about it." She rushed her slander to my boyfriend, raising her arms in the air after letting her opinion out. 

I paused a second to take everything she said in, leaning back against the booth. My eyes remained settled on the table, I just couldn't face Kat. A part of me wondered if what she said might have some truth, or if she's simply talking shit about Lucio because she always had a dislike for him.

"You told me to--" Kat started but I quickly raised my voice to cut her off.

"I know what I said." I stated, sending her a burning stare after. Kat's mouth closed shut, her expression gave off how she didn't regret one bit of what she said.

"I should head back home." I sigh, after minutes of tense silence around us. Kat's blue eyes fired back at me, as I was already getting up and grabbing my stuff.

"Do you want a ride?" She offered in a monotone voice, I kept my eyes down while leaving the money for the food on the table. 

"No I --It's only a fifteen minutes walk, there's no need." I stumbled on my words, pulling the strap of my purse up. 

"Okay, then I guess I'll see you later." Kat gave me a short smile, her voice indicated how much she wanted to say something else, but held it back to herself. I simply nodded, leaving the girl on the table we had just shared. This type of fiery discussion with Kat was the usual, but this time she hit a spot I didn't realize that was so fragile.


My head snapped back into reality when I arrived at my apartment door, taking the keys to unlock it. I instantely took off my jacket, as the walk home slightly heated me up and left it on a table near the door. After shutting the door closed, I turned around getting caught by surprise when I'm faced with Lucio, standing quiet next to my sofa.

I frowned my face at the boy, Lucio had his hands shoved inside his jeans pockets when he slowly looked up to me, "What are you doing here?" 

"You mailed me a spare key the week you moved here." Lucio replied, keeping his voice low. I let out a 'oh', looking down at the floor when I realize how stupid I had sounded. We both kept our bodies static in place, none of us knowing exactly where to start.

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