Chapter 10

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Jughead awoke to a dark room. He felt helpless. There was a searing pain in his head and he felt as if he had been hit by a truck. He was beginning to wonder what happened when suddenly everything was coming back to him. The party. Hal. He was kidnapped.

Jughead tried to get up from the chair he was sitting in but he was tied down.

"Fuck." He mumbled.

He remembered Betty. He was about to go warn her but he couldn't. Was she okay? He needed to see her and see if she was okay.

"I need to get out of here." He mumbled.

"Well, look who woke up." A deep voice said.

"Hal." Jughead whispered.

"What are you doing near my daughter." Hal said while still in the far off darkness.

"Your daughter?" Jughead said with a scoff. "She may be related to you but she sure as hell is not your daughter."

Hal came over and turned on a small light above Jughead. It barely lit up anything except for the chair and Hal.

Jughead looked into his green eyes. He fucking hated that bastard.

"Say that one more time." Hal mocked.

"She is not your fucking daughter." Jughead grumbled.

Soon the butt of a gun hit Jughead's jaw and he was out cold once again.


Betty woke up first with a nightmare. All she could think about is where Jughead is. What he's doing to him? She's extremely worried.

Avery then woke up noticing Betty panicking. Avery and Sam fell asleep with Betty because they knew she couldn't be alone.

"Liz?" Avery whispered.

"I-uh I have to go to work. Yep that's what I need to do. I need shower dressed and I need to go to work." She whispered.

Rummaging through her draws to find stuff to put on.

Avery got up and stopped her by pulling her into her arms.

"You're not going, okay? We already called you in sick. Sam and I are staying with you. You just need time. They're looking for him right now as we speak." Avery said.

"N-No Av I-I must go in. I have to." She cried.

"No you're not going, Liz. You're staying here." Avery said softly.

"No!" She screamed. Whilst changing her top.

Avery grabbed her again and stopped her.

"Liz go to sleep. You don't need to go anywhere. You just need to stay calm. Please." Avery said.

"I have to do something Av. I-I can't ju-just sleep and do nothing. He could be de-dead in a ditch somewhere." Tears sobbing down her face whilst she brushes her hair and puts it up.

"Liz. They will find him. They're looking for him right now. I promise you will get him back." Avery said while walking over to wake Sam up.

Sam woke up instantly with hearing Betty shout. She jumped up to Betty's side.

"Liz come on please. Listen to Av." Sam pleaded whilst guiding her back to her bed.

"I CAN'T I HAVE TO GO TO WORK! PLEASE!" Betty broke down to her knees.

"Liz. Please just go to sleep. Everything thing will be fine." Avery said while turning to Sam. " I can't do this, Sam. I can't see her like this." Avery said while beginning to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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