Chapter 5

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They girls had gotten Betty back to the apartment as fast as they could luckily for them they rode Avery's car over to the cafe.

They carried her to the sofa. Sam ran to sink and made Betty a damp flannel to put on her head. It has to help in some sort of way right?

As Sam placed it on Betty's forehead. Hoping it will bring her around. Some how it didn't. The girls didn't know and to be frank they didn't care. Their main priority was to check on their girl.

Avery replaced Betty on her back and shook her slightly. Both girls were getting worried that she wasn't waking up. Should they have taken her to the hospital? Sam was getting juice ready for Betty for when she woke up. Her blood sugars were going to be low with fainting and the shock.

Betty squinted her eyes. The lights were incredible bright. She felt sick to her stomach. Then she remembered what happened before it went blank. That put her into an over drive of anxiety and panic.

Betty couldn't breath. She was hyperventilating. She felt numb, scared even terrified. Her hands itching to curl into their selves. Putting pressure on to her pale white skin reopening wounds she's tried so hard to forgot. Piercing her porcelain skin open. Blood between her palms. Noise all muffled and unfocused. Tears streaming down her face. Her silently crying. A skill she'd mastered all those years ago.

The horror events of the past flooding in her mind. Collapsed on the floor, knees guarding her chest. Gasping for air as she feels her lungs close up on her. Rocking her self forward and backwards. Muscles clamped together,physically not moving as she's gone in to physical shock.

This is a sight the girls have never seen before. They've never seen this side to her before. A shocking sight to see. A horrifying sight as, as her friends they have no idea how to deal with this situation.

"Sam what do we do?"Avery asked in shock.

" I... I don't know. We... We've never seen her like this before. "Sam said.

" Well done Sherlock you've got eyes. No shit. What are we going to do?"Avery asked panicking.

" Wait Av, what about her ex? "Sam said.

" What about him? "she asked.

" he'll probably know what to do. "Sam said. She's the only one keeping a level head.

"Sam you're a genius I could kiss you right now. We need someone to stay here with Liz. Who's going to go?" Avery asked.

"Av you know I take thank you as in food or make up or even you let me borrow that t-shirt of yours. I think you should go I'll stay her with Liz."

Sam stayed with Betty as Avery made her way to apartment 4D. As she came around the corner, she'd noticed he cleaned the smashed cookies and plate up.

Now knocking at his door their was complete silence no movement coming near the door. She could hear the TV on so she knew he was in.

Knocking or more so banging on the door again. Still no answer.

"Open up this door right now. Jones open up this damn door. It's Liz. She needs help. We don't know what's happening. That's it I swear to god if you don't open this door up in five seconds. I am breaking it the fuck down. So please, it's your choice open the damn door or explain to your landlord why it is broken. "She yelled causing a scene.


Jughead sat on his couch still trying to figure out what he was going to do. Should he talk to her or should he wait?

All of a sudden he heard loud banging at the door. He heard muffled yelling.

"What the fuck?" He said

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