“Ajusshi,” Jinhye exclaimed happily seeing the man before her.

“Oh Jinhye,” his expression was unreadable.

Jinhye couldn’t tell was he happy to see her or not. He held a detached face, which shows that he was least expecting her to be here with him. There’s an evocative silence held between them for a few moments.

“Come in,” The man said stepping aside offering Jinhye the space needed to get in. She swiftly went in and the man closed the door behind him almost immediately.

The house revealed to be huge and wooden walls and furniture gives a traditional outlook.

“What brings you here?” the man asked once they both settled down on the comfortable couch facing each other.

The girl began to get a feeling of anxiety as the man held his gaze upon her waiting for her to speak.

“Did something happen?” the man asked. Jinhye lifted her eyes up to meet a worried man before her.

“Jashor’s been keep following me,” She said. She pressed her sweaty palms together. “He wants to take me back to the devil world,”

“Jinhye, you should go back to the angel world before it’s getting too late. It’s not safe you to stay here any longer since jashor wants to make you his bride. You know how easy it’s for him to do that,” The man expressed with a paternal look on his face.

She shook her head back and forth. “No, I’m not going back,” There’s no way she’s going back to the angel world.

“Look Jinhye, I clearly understand your situation. However don’t you think it’s better for you to go back to the angel world rather than being dragged by a devil,” He said.

"Jashor is most dangerous devil amongst all others. You cannot fight with him, not in this form,” He added.

Jinhye whipped his head up and looked forward the man before her as tears sprang to her eyes.

“I thought you would help me,” She said, looking down at her lap.

“I wish I could. But I don’t think I can help you more than this,” The man sadly stated.

“I’m not going back. I wouldn’t mind dying in this world rather than going back to the angel world. I will make sure not to bump into jashor anymore,” the young girl stood up to leave.

“If you say so,” the man stood up as well. “I can give you some advice,”

“What kind of?” she glanced at the man.

“Well…,” He said as taking a few steps towards her. A smile slipped on his lips as he stopped a couple of meters away from her.

The glaring sunlight smack hard on her back as Jinhye took her slow steps along the deserted path. she clutched on her necklace, as her thoughts drew back to the conversation she had with her Ajusshi a while ago.

“Well..,” he said as taking a few steps towards her. A smile slipped on his pale tender lips as he stopped a couple of meters away from her. “Do what scares you,” the gentle voice grazed onto her ear.

She watched the man with a confusticate look that visibly plaster on her face.

“What does it mean?” Jinhye asked.

“You will find out that soon, meanwhile wear this,” the man handed a necklace shaped in a water drop with a stone stuck on the center. “You cannot stay away from jashor all the time. This necklace will prevent him from haul you to the evil world,”

Whispers In The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora