Chapter 10

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I woke up and Bellamy wasn't next to me. I had a shower and put some clean clothes on before walking out and going over to where Sky was and petting her. I decided to look for Bellamy so we could discuss the plan to get into Mount Weather. I go around the back of the Ark where there was nothing and i saw a figure on the ground. I walk over and i recognize Bellamy's curly hair. I run over nad turn him onto his back. He had a knife in his stomach and was bleeding out.

"Shit, Bellamy I'm going to get Abby, stay alive," i tell him and run off and into the Ark and race through the halls until i get to medical where Abby and Jackson were cleaning up. They look at me with tears in my eyes.

"Help, Bellamy's hurt," were the only three words i could get out but they ran out with me. We went behind the Ark and Bellamy was still alive. Jackson and I pick him up and Abby clears our way to medical. We put him on the bed and take his jacket off and they hand it to me. I hold it as they cut his shirt. I cup Bellamy's face in my hands.

"Babe who did this to you?" i ask quietly.

"Edwards," he chokes out before i am shooed away. I put his jacket in our room and storm out to find Edwards washing his hands laughing with others. I walk up to him and punch him square in the face. He is startled for a second which gives me time to get a few more punches and kicks in. He kicks me in the stomach but i use my elbow and hit him in the throat. He struggles to catch his breath and i kick him in the chest. I go to kick him again but i am pushed back by Matt.

"Sarah what the hell got into you?" he asks.

"He stabbed Bellamy and left him for dead behind the ark!" i yell. Matt looks at me sympathetically but takes my hands and puts me in cuffs. He grabs my arm and leads me to the cell block. He opens a single cell adn i walk inside.

"Can you check on him?" i ask and he nods.

"I'll be on guard in case Edwards decides to finish the job," he tells me and i smile. He closes the door and walks off. I am sitting on the floor for 5 minutes when Clarke comes in crying. She looks at me shocked.

"What are you doing in here?" she asks.

"Edwards almost killed Bellamy so i beat the shit out of Edwards, why are you crying?" i ask her bluntly.

"The grounders got Finn, they were going to torture him last night but i killed him so he wouldn't have to suffer," she sniffles. She sits outside the cage and talks to me. We were there talking for 2 hours when Matt came back. I stand up and he opens the door. He leads me to medical and when the door is opened i see Bellamy barely awake.

"You have 5 minutes," he tells me. I walk up to the man i love who looks at me in cuffs.

"What did you do?" he asks weakly.

"Beat the shit out of the guy responsible," i tell him and he smiles. I grab his hand with both of my hands and trace circles on the back of his hand.

"When you get better we are putting this plan to get the others out of Mount Weather into action," i tell him and he nods. He smiles at me before his eyes roll back into his head and he starts seizing. I start shaking and Matt quickly grabs me and races me out of medical and back to my cell. I resist as he pushes me into the cell but he grabs my arm harshly.

"Stop Sarah! I will keep an eye on him for you," he reassures me and i sit down. Once the door is closed and he runs back to medical.


Matt get's back into medical and Bellamy was awake and looking better. Clarke rushed in and walked up to the curly haired boy on the bed.

"Where's Sarah?" He asks Clarke.

"Bellamy, you started seizing and we had to get her out of the room so she is back in her cell," she reassures the brunette boy. He sits up with the help of Clarke and Abby but when he goes to stand up they push him back down. Jackson comes in with a wheelchair and Bellamy gives the Griffins a 'You have got to be kidding me' look.

"It's the only way you can see Sarah until she is released," Clarke tells him and he pouts as he gets into the wheelchair and is pushed towards the cells.

Sarah POV

I was sitting on the bench with my head resting against the wall when i hear the sound of wheels. I look towards the door and Bellamy is perfectly fine in a wheel chair. Matt opens the door and cuts my cuffs but stands in the doorway. I bend over and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I thought i lost you," i sob into his shoulder. He pats my back in comfort.

"You cannot get rid of me that easily," he chuckles. When i pull back i stare into his gorgeous eyes and kiss him.

"I'll be out soon, concentrate on healing," i tell him as he is wheeled out and new cuffs are put on me. I sit there in the cell with a smile on my face but it quickly vanished when Kane enters the room so i put a look of boredom.

"Sarah, you are being released," he tells me. I get up and walk to the door and hold out my wrists and he cuts the cuffs off.

"What happened to Edwards?" i ask him.

"He was floated," Kane tells me with a smirk. I rub my wrists and nod at him. I go into the workshop and Raven is crying in a corner. Wick was sitting in a chair not knowing what to do and it was stressing him out. I sat next to Raven and let her cry on my shoulder.

"Bloody women," Wick mutters under his breath before going back to a project. After Raven had her cry she looked at me and wiped her tears away.

"I heard what happened to Bellamy, is he okay?" she asks.

"He's okay, all i need is for you to be okay because him and i are planning an inside job to go to Mount Weather and we need Raven Reyes," i answer making her smile. We stand up and i give Raven one last hug before i left. I saw Clarke and she smiles and hugs me.

"They transferred him to your room," she tells me before walking off. I smile and walk to my room and open the door to find Bellamy on the bed reading.

"Looks like someones inner nerd has come out," i laugh. He looks up at me and smiles.

"When were you released?" he asks putting the book away as i stripped off into my tank top and underwear.

"Couple of minutes ago, Edwards has been floated," i tell him. I crawl under the covers and rest my head on his chest and he wraps an arm around me.

"We will get Jasper and the others out of Mount Weather, we will do whatever it takes," i tell him before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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