Chapter 9

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My eyes open groggily and i recognize the clinic from the Ark. My stomach wasn't hurting so i sat up. The door opens with Matt and Abby walking in. Matt walks over and i give him a tight hug.

"Don't ever do that again," i playfully scold him making him smile. Abby checks on my wound.

"You are going to heal up nicely, you have been cleared for work but don't over exert yourself." she tells me and i jump off the bed.

"Where is engineering?" i ask and Matt takes me. I open the door to see Raven. She looks at me and smiles pointing to the floor. I could see Wick's feet sticking out under the table so i grab them and pull them. He lets out a girly squeal and looks up at me.

"Sarah," he whines hugging me tightly. When i let go he hands me a tank of helium so i suck some in and smile.

"Ark Station, calling Ark Station this is Raven Reyes and I am on the ground with the 100," i say mocking Raven trying to get the radio to work. Wick bursts into laughter causing Raven to smirk. Kane walks in after my helium had worn off.

"Hello Sarah, good to see you up and about," he greets me.

"Good to see you have taken charge after the teenagers did all of the hard work," i retort. He breathes heavily through his nose.

"There is someone who i think you should meet," he tells me gesturing outside. I walk outside and freeze where i am when i recognize that laugh, the curly hair, the smile. Before my mind could process I took off running, my feet squelching in the mud. Bellamy turned  and before he could register anything i jumped into his arms hugging him tightly. I inhale the scent i know too well.

"I thought you were dead," i sob into the crook of his neck.

"I'm okay, i made it into a foxhole" he reassures me. I pull my head back to look at him and press my lips to his.

"I missed you," he tells me and i smile. He let's go and i drop to the ground.

"What happened to Finn?" i ask him and he frowns.

"He got off scott free," he tells me. I clench my fists tightly. I take a deep breath and calm down.

"You should go into Mount Weather and be an inside guard, after you were there for a while i come in as a nurse," i tell him. He smirks and kisses me again.

"Grounder at the gate!" someone yells and i take off running. It was Gustus.

"The Commander requests the presence of the ambassador," he calls out.

"Open the gate!" i shout and they do it. I give Bellamy and Matt a hug before jumping on the horse and Gustus gallops off to tonDC. I get there and the village is slowly getting back to normal. I jump off and walk over to Oliver and hug him.

"You okay?" he ask and i nod. He takes me over to his tent where i see Clarke and Lexa.

"Sarah, thank you for taking that bullet for Oliver," Lexa tells me and i smile.

"I can't let my brother get shot on the day of his wedding could i?" i ask her and she laughs.

"Alright down to business, Clarke here has proposed a truce between us grounders and the sky people. I am going to agree on this truce but with one condition," Lexa explains and i already knew the answer.

"What?" Clarke asks and Lexa looks at me to answer.

"Finn has to die, he killed 300 people in tonDC and almost killed the ambassador," i answer. Clarke frowns and tightly purses her lips.

"I will talk with the others and let you know our decision," she answers walking out.

"She's not going to let that happen easily," i tell Lexa. She chuckles softly and we walk out of the tent.

"Look Lexa as the sky and ground ambassador i am not going to be helping each side, it would make it seem like i am talking one side," i tell her.

"That is fine Sarah," she tells me as we approach the horses i see the horse Oliver rode me to the ark on. Lexa puts the saddle on and gears the horse up.

"This is Sky, she is now your horse for when you need to travel between villages," she tells me. I smile nad put my hand out to pet Sky.

"She's beautiful," i say in awe. It was getting dark so i gave Oliver and Lexa a hug and jumped onto Sky's back.

"I'm going back to Arcadia, i will return soon," i tell them before galloping off. It takes 10 minutes and i approach the gate. The gate is opened and i jump off leading Sky in the rest of the way. I find a lone fence post so i tie the reins around it and walk into the Ark and over to the room Bellamy and I shared. I open the room to see him already asleep. I strip off to my tank top and crawl under the covers and snuggle closer to him. He opens his groggy eyes and smiles. I lean in and press my lips to his and they mold perfectly together. I flip him over so i am on top straddling his waist. He rests his hands on my hips and smiles into the kiss. We eventually fall back  to where we were when we started.

"I love you Sarah," he whispers. I smile and kiss him again.

"I love you too Bellamy," i tell him before i move closer into his chest and eventually fall asleep.

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