Chapter 5

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We were walking back to camp in a comfortable silence.

"When we get back, you are speaking to Jaha. He told me if you tell him who said to kill him he would pardon you," i tell him. My leg was in excruciating pain but i kept walking. We reach the camp and they were yelling and panicking that Lincoln was gone.

"Let the grounders come, we have been scared for too long!" Bellamy calls out to camp. Clarke rushes over to me and takes me to the dropship. She looks at my leg and frowns.

"I am going to get Bellamy, i am going to have to burn the hole closes and he is strong enoughh to hold you," she explains and i nod. She disappears and reappears soon after with Bellamy, Monty and Finn with her. Monty and Finn hold my legs down and Bellamy wraps his arms around my torso. Clarke heats up the knife and takes the bullet out before burning the hole shut causing me to scream really loud. She put a cool cloth on it to ease the pain and she left with the boys while Bellamy stayed with me.

"You should talk to Jaha," i tell him nodding towards the communication booth. Clarke comes in and they go in together. 10 minutes later he comes out with a smile on his face.

"I told you you," i retort and he nudges me. I swing my legs off the table and i stand up. My legs are doing pretty fine so i walk to my tent and lay down on my makeshift bed which has a couple of blankets and i fall asleep.


I was sitting around the fire with a cup of moonshine in my hands zoning out from the Unity Day bullshit. I finished my cup and stood up to get more when Octavia grabs my arm and drags me to the edge of patrols.

"Come with me birthday girl," she whispers and i roll my eyes.

"Why do i tell you this information," i mutter making her laugh. We climb through the fence and start walking. After about 5 minutes of walking i see two figures ahead of us. As we get closer i recognize it as Lincoln and Oliver.

 As we get closer i recognize it as Lincoln and Oliver

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A/N: Yes Oliver is Dylan Obrien now bite me

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A/N: Yes Oliver is Dylan Obrien now bite me.

I run over and hug Oliver.

"Happy birthday sky sister," he tells me and i look at Octavia.

"Octavia why do i tell you these things?" i ask her making her laugh.

"Don't worry Sarah, it's Olivers birthday today too!" Lincoln says causing Oliver to hit him.

"Let's do what you's came here to do, fight like a grounder," Oliver suggests getting as pissed of as i was. We pair up and practice punches.

"What did you train on you hit like a truck," Oliver wheezed when i hit him in the stomach.

"Punching bag and metal wall," i tell him innocently. We were taking a break when we heard twigs break and we all launched for our weapons. I was about to attack when i saw Finn walk in.

"God dammit Finn, i could've killed you," i whisper yell at him.

"But you didn't," he sasses at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to Oliver.

"So how old are you?" i ask him and he looks at me.

"18," he answers.

"Me too, if i was still in space turning 18 meant death," i reply. He puts a necklace in my hand and i look at the pendant and it looked like different emblems.

"It is the emblem of all 12 clans joined together," he explains. I tie it around my neck and look at him.

"It's beautiful Oli, i love it," i tell him. Finn, Lincoln and Octavia walk over.

"Sarah, you are meeting with our leader to discuss a truce," Lincoln tells me and i nod. Oliver had been teaching me some trigedaslang so i wouldn't get myself killed. We stand up and i follow Octavia to the bridge and we wait for both sides to come back.

"Why don't you ask out my brother?" Octavia asks out of the blue and i look at her.

"Say what?" i ask.

"Sarah, the whole camp has a bet on how long it takes to get you two together," she answers.

"Who is closest now?" i ask her.

"Monty," she answers and i put on an evil grin. She lets out a small squeal as Finn returns with Clarke and Lincoln turns up with Oliver. Lincoln and Octavia hug while Oliver nudges me so i nudge him back and we try to knock each other over. I hear thundering and several people appear on horses. The woman looked like the leader as she jumped off her horse and walked over to us.

"You must be Sarah and Clarke," she says and we nod.

"I am Anya," she introduces herself and Clarke goes to extend her hand but i slap it down.

"Look we want to have peace with your people so no more of us get hurt," Clarke says.

"You started a war you dont know how to end, you sent rockets that burnt a village to the ground," Anya spat.

"Look Heda Anya, we are all just teenagers. I know some of us are as dumb as dog shit but no one has to get hurt," i tell her in her language. She smiles and looks back at Clarke.

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming, soldiers?" she asks.

"Yes but also our farmers, engineers and healers." she explains. Anya then turns to me.

"What involvement have you had in this conflict Sarah?" she asks.

"None, when i was burnt by the acid fog Oliver saved me and i came back to my group to find a conflict had started. I never wanted anyone to get hurt," i answer and she nods.

"There going to shoot, girls run!" i hear Jasper yell and for some reason i run towards Oliver and we take off into the forest. After running we arrive in a village the same time as Anya does. She had a bleeding arm so i go up to her.

"Do you want help?" i ask and she nods and leads me to the medical tent and she sits down. I clean the blood off and see a bullet passed straight through. I stitch her up and bandage her arm.

"Thank you Sarah, for helping me i want to put you under the protection of all 12 clans. That necklace that Oliver gave you is your free pass through all of the clans." she explains making me smile.

"Thank you, i must get going so no one worries about me," i tell her and she nods.

"Oliver will take you back, you are welcome any day," she says and i walk out of the tent and find Oliver. We leave and walk back to the dropship. We are just out of site of the guards when i turn to Oliver.

"Punch me so it looks like i struggled," i tell him and he smiles as he punches my jaw and nose. I could feel blood dripping down. I give him a hug before walking towards the fence.

"Open the gate it's Sarah!" Miller calls out and it is opened instantly. Bellamy runs over and hugs me. I see Monty crossing his fingers so i look up at Bellamy's face and press my lips to his. He is surprised at first but eventually warms up and Monty lets out a cheer.

"You are all disgusting," i laugh. The ground starts to rumble and i look up to see the Exodus ship. I smile because Matt is on the ship but it isnt slowing down.

"Where are the parachutes?" Raven and I ask. The ship crashed and went up in flames.

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