"Miss L/N, huh?" Gintoki closed his eyes, listening, but still a bit bushed.

"Yes, since you're obviously not from the area you clearly haven't been acquainted with her," the doctor adjusted himself in his seat, crossing his legs into a comfortable position "Ever since Miss L/N moved into town just a little over a year ago she has been a meaningful presence to the community".

"How so?" Gintoki asked earnestly.

"Well, her arriving was a circumstance very similar to yours Mister...."

"Oh!" Gintoki realized the Doctor's hesitation "It's Sakata, but you can call me Gin".

"We're not friends just yet, Mister Sakata," the doctor stayed deadpanned when telling him off "Anyway, at first everyone thought she was going to be a nuisance— a skid mark on the whole town! But, when she made temporary residency at the Inn and got herself cleaned up, she proved to be a great pillar to the community. At first everyone knew her name as a bad thing, but than the infamy turned to simple, small town fame and I couldn't imagine this town without her".

"Huh, YAWNNN...," Gin couldn't help but let his tired eyes get to him, especially when forced to listen to an old man's exposition.

Gin felt a pain in the side of his head again "Ow! Would you stop that? Why are you so violent?"

"Why are young people so rude?" the doctor said mockingly "If you are still listening, Miss L/N is the owner of the dojo across the street, if you're up to go thank her. I'm sure she'd love to see you up and moving".

"Huh, maybe that is a good idea," Gin stroked his chin in thought.

"Okay, while you ponder that I still have my rounds to do," the doctor slowly got up from his chair "Just be sure you feel you're at your potential max strength before getting up and moving again, alright?"

Gin nodded as the doctor made his exit. Gin then laid his head deep back into his pillow, leaving the doctor's suggestion bouncing around in his head, before drifting off to sleep.


It was the next morning and Gin had gotten just the right amount of rest. Despite his new back ache from laying in that hospital bed for so long, he felt as good as he could be while still having a healing injury in his side. He decided to temporarily leave the confines of the hospital and make his way to the dojo to thank this Miss Y/N he had heard so much about.

You hear the bell ring as the front door of your dojo swung open. You clutched your Kendo sword and faced the noise, quickly lunging towards it, letting out a 'Heeyah!' with a strong tone of voice.

Gin jumped in surprise at your sudden action, not expecting to be attacked on entry.

You give a boisterous laugh as you admire the shocked look on your guests face. You then straighten up and point your sword to the floor, leaning on the hilt of it for a casual support.

"Uh, Miss Y/N? Is she here?" Gin asks with a nervous tone in his voice.

"You're talking to her! Whatcha' need, Mister?" You flash the man a white smile from ear to ear.

"Well, actually-"

"Oh, wait! I know who you are," you stride over to him, keeping your pointer finger directed his way "Y-you're that guy. That Samurai who was bleeding out! Ha! I'm happy to see you're doing okay!"

Love For A Samurai [Gintama: Gintoki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now