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jesus fuck this gif is huge☆

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jesus fuck this gif is huge
☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

i quickly smash my lips into hers
and she kisses back

a few seconds after i pull away and see that chungho is walking away.
"what the fuck was that" she questions
"i saved you again"

"that was the only thing you could think of!?"
"yes it was and don't tell me you didn't think of it either"

"i didn't!"
"you didn't seem shocked that i did and you also kissed me back" i shrugged

she sighs
"well let's not talk about this ever again, okay?"


we make it to the café. y/n taps my arm and signals me to look somewhere. i look and see miss slut all up on chungho.

i chuckle at the sight of it, and i look back at y/n to see her staring at me. she quickly looks away and clears her throat.

[3rd persons pov]

y/n and yoongi leave the café about thirty minutes after they entered. they walk back to the apartment holding hands.

they both knew it wasn't needed to hold hands but they wanted to anyway. but of course they didn't know that they both knew.

"we should go somewhere today" y/n asks out of boredom
"yeah we should, but where?"

"hmm" y/n thinks, but gets cut off by yoongi' idea
"maybe the park or something?"
"that's a good idea"

they both walk to the park together, and talk about their past while their there. a couple hours pass so they decide they should go home.

☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°
[oof the ending was kinda bleh..
only because of what will happen next c;]

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