The Fifth Hour

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I did the best to evade my people, and to an extent I did what I had to do in order to free then from the world they chose to be apart of. I could feel my powers grow the more danger veered her ugly head. I glided into the final hall as concrete caverns echoed the sounds of the angry masses behind me, as the halls came in to view the more I realized the inevitable moment which would soon follow my exodus. I had to escape, and I had to leave this place, and to do so I must fight the fight I never saw coming. Independence is a luxury not many can afford, yet with my new found abilities I will pave a path that I hope many soon will follow. As I turned the corner, for a moment i was unseen by the others behind me, as they vigorously wanted to tear me apart. I knew they watched me as I glided around the chaos, as the magic which imprisons them gave me sovereignty. Willing the energies around me I bend steel as if it was made of paper, and as the hall opened I saw the Guardian, and her sisters exactly where I left them.

What now, I thought to myself, what will I do now? I couldn't take one of the vessels, they would only track me to the furthest reaches of the earth. As I contemplated my options, the princess gave the the ounce of wisdom I waited for.

We. Can. Leave.

We. Can. Survive.


She was right, she was the key to my freedom, and together we are the most powerful force within these walls. I could hear the sounds grow closer, and knew were about to witness the most blasphemous thing they have ever seen in the history of the Citadel. Man, working with the enemy, as they rose together and flew in unison.

There glares met mine, and I wanted to tell them the truths hidden away by the tyrannical regime and her armies. Yet, even I was once a soldier, even though I was part of the aggressive solution dreamt up by simple minded leaders, I was finally emancipated and free to do as i will, and it was glorious.

I felt the rage build, and as I grew angry, as I remembered the wrongdoings, the more my magic swirled and the more it became tangible.
I could see my will being manifested before my very eyes, and as the halls filled, they too watched as I unnaturally moved the air and walls around me. With one thought I forced all my power to one spot along the walls, and it began to crumble into thousand of pieces as I siphoned it of its strength.

Blasting the bay doors open, I floated into the unknown, and the light of the outside blinded me, looking back, the faces of my peers were in awe, as they watched as I breached the walls and stepped out of view. The siren's blared, and as I made my way, the doors closed behind, leaving me to the elements.

I could breathe, I felt the air fill my lungs as if knowing it was always at my disposal, yet I could fill myself create the very oxygen that surrounded me as it gave me the very life I wished for. And for a moment, I was content, for a brief moment, I was finally home.

We. Are. Safe.

We. Are. Free.

I took my time to digest, and soon I blasted off the ground and into the skies above. I was moving faster than I ever could in the Guardian, I was moving at speeds which would rip any human body to shred, and I felt a warmth fill my body with the golden light of the sun. I was flying, I was impenetrable, and I was a force to be reckoned with.

Confident in my ability, I flew past the curvature of the earth, and was in the vaccum of space. I looked down at the earth, as it was covered in fire, and in the far distance was the white mountains which called out to me, and i knew what must be done. I must speak to the Alpha, and ask him to return the clouds and free the humans from the looming threat of extinction.

We. Must. Speak. To. My. Family.

I know.

And. We. Must. Free. The. Clouds.

I know.

I could feel the pressure around me change once again, as I flew in the direction of the Tower of Babble. The closer I got the more a rainbow glimmer came into view, and as i drew closer i realized, it was the android and by her side was the seven angels of armageddon.

She spoke so innocently, and her voice was anything but relenting, and I fought the urge to ask for her help. She was a child, and spoke like a child, yet I know everything she is capable of.

"Hello, want to go home?" She asked.

"I have no home," I came closer as she stood between me and the others. Attempting to clear a path as I was in they line of potential fire. I wanted to fight, but knew nothing of the Angels full capability, I may be able to veer the heat of the sun, but that's all I truly know.

"Please come with me, and every thing will be okay. "

As she spoke, from nothingness, another ship flew into my field of vision, and in the cockpit I could see his eyes lock on mine, and knew what had to be done.

"Brother please, listen to me, we've been nothing but pawns, she killed our father, she staged our lives from the very beginning, we are powerless if we keep fighting each other!", yet nothing, he was unphased by my pleas, and wanted nothing but his mistresses will to be done.

"Brother?", said the droid, confused.

"I always wanted a brother, and mother said I can have one if I listen, and I will do my best!"

I felt sympathy for this soulless mechanism, it's as naive as I was, and as equally diabolical in means but I know what it's capable of if I'm not careful.

Stirring the atmosphere, I willed it to grow in intensity, and soon I felt the hairs stand on end as I charged the air around me. I could hear the thunder, and soon a storm raged along side me, as the droid swayed by the electric field surrounding her.

"I know you can hear me Vega, call off this attack, and I'll show mercy.", I stared into my brother's eyes awaited for a sign of sincerity.

"Mercy? My mistress knows nothing of mercy, she only knows survival and the ways to accomplish her visions, what you ask for is childish and you'll meet your end by the same faith you hold on too," I couldn't help but to cry, it was her speaking but it was my brother's voice who said it, and it was painful.

"Fine, if this is how you want to meet your end, then so be it!"

Raising my hand, I willed it to strike down the barricade, and soon the world was covered in boom thunder and flashes of lightning. Everything was white and I could her the other ship's be torn apart by the winds of fury I commanded.

I was a God, in a Godless world.

The ships flew backwards, and collided against the ground, and watched helplessly as my brother managed to escape my attack and retreated back to base. As for the droid, it was untouched by my blanket of static yet, and remained silent as I was no threat to it's flawless design.

Knowing naught of the actions of man, but only the laws of sciences which built them, and gave them life.

"I am," stammering it did it's best to prosses what just transpired, "I am, where am I?"

Looking around, it seemed lost, and I feared I might have done something I couldn't take back.

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