The Sixth Hour

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The power that flowed through Kress and her companion was one of an inexpressible feat of science fiction. Together they had the mental capacity to hold back the fires of out side yet weak enough to be damaged by heat of a plasma blade. Kress soon harnessed her powers she was a fast learner and she had to learn fast. She was a criminal and the highest priority of Vega herself nothing stopped her in her conquest. As for Kress she was trapped between what she knew to be right, and what she must do to survive the war engulfing around her.

Her brother was still unconscious but knew if he woke to the sight of her, he would do anything to kill her and her only trustworthy friend.

Heal. Mend. Fix.

With those words, they stop the bleeding, but his whole left arm was unsalvageable. Slowly he came too, and she watched his eye open to hers. She didn't have the heart to tell him the truth but knew his conditioning ran deeper then her own magic could mend. Tears ran down her face, and her mind raced with memories of them together. They grew inches away from each other, knew every secret and every fear. False memories or true experiences held nothing to the bond between them, she loved him dearly and under all the brainwashing and manipulation he loved her too.

"Sister," he said weakly, as he came back to him senses, on the surface she knew it was a trick, but wanted to hear his voice before she had to do the impossible.

"Is it really you Kress?," she asked, tears filling her eyes, she touched his face as too insure it was him and not one of his conditioning.

"I don't know ,"he said truthfully, yet didn't know where his own thoughts started and the lies began.

In the distance armed men approached their positions, and she knew soon they would be attacked again by Vegas forces. She was close to the ship, but knew in his condition he wouldn't make it his current state, both mental and physical.

Fearful he would be turned back to a mindless puppet, she had no choice but to end his suffering.

Even with all her power she was helpless in helping the last of her family and rage replaced her grief. She was a child of the Citadel, and the blood that flowed in her veins also flowed in the body of Commanding Mistress.

Watching his eyes he attacked her, trying to fight the unseen force that blanketed her, making her untouchable. With was left of his strength he fought against the evil of protection. His hand reached for her throat and the look in his eyes was mad with rage. As the ground troops grew closer she had to make a decision, save her brother or abandon him to Vega and her cause.

He fought the force holding him back and was already weak from the fight. Using up the last of his energy and began to keeled over in exhaustion. It was the saddest thing she has ever witnessed, and her heart couldn't bare to watch him suffer another second by the had of the true enemy.

With her new found powers she couldn't remove the false memories but she could wipe his entire mind and free him from Vega's grasp. He fought her shields as his only arm out reached to her throat, her tears ran faster, and she couldn't bare to watch him suffer.

Shutting her eyes, she attempted to wipe all of his memories from his mind, and as his mind emptied his body lost it's fight and fell to the ground, he stood almost lifeless. Running to him, she hoping he still had some life left in him. He looked tired and it was as if he was sleeping peacefully. Exhausted by the war waged in these walls he fought his whole life to please his master. Letting out a gasp of despair,it would've the only way get could rest, and when he wakes. He won't know who she is or how much she loved him but he wss finally free to make decisions for himself.

Vegas men drew closer, she had no choice but to leave him where he laid.

"I'll come back for you," kissing his face, promising to return to take him away from all the war and injustice he helped created. Picking her self off the ground a spark of energy bursted from where she stood, propelling the encircling soldiers back and slamming them against four feet of concrete and steel.

Then, as they dropped to the floor, alarms blared, and from the loudspeaker Vega addressed her people for potentially the last time.

"Kress Hamilton is a traitor and an enemy of the state. She is harboring the Hoarder and is assisting it in an escape to warn the others on plans to invade the underground. She is a criminal to our nation and to all manners of human life. Her actions against the Citadel is one of unforgivable and immoral evils. I wished we would never have to witness such lack of inhumane behavior in the was with protect and shelter us. She turned her back on her people, and on her nation. Its a crime only punishable by death. Loyal people of the Citadel, it is your duty to stop her by any means necessary. You may be the very thing standing between on going freedom and potential invasion. Good luck to you all, and may our hands be guided by hands of God and his will for greatness."

As soon as it stopped, the masses rushed to where I stood, I couldn't tell them what has happened unknowingly in these wall.

Who would believe me?

Yet, the fight in there eyes gave me hope that the battle we all share is one for our place in this world, and I couldn't blame them for their fruitfulness to my demise. They had every right to fight, even if it was under false pretenses. If I am enemy by there standard then I would die honorably by there hands. Rising off the ground I flew over the mob of angry and infuriated masses. It was like watching a sea of hands reaching for an unreachable spot in the distance and I was the untouchable light out of reach to the hands of my own people. I applauded their efforts yet knew I was the hero they so desperately waited for. I had the truth on my lips and couldn't share what actually transpired in the Citadel. In those moments has I flew over head I witnessed history be rewritten by an invasion that would never come.
Believing in the faith our leaders the masses unwittingly pursue any truth which escapes there lips. If our governing body tell us that they will protect and defend us against the unknown then it is our solemn responsibility to protect them with our lives.

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