The Eleventh Hour

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In the War room, the Council deliberated on the findings made my the android and its operators.  Peering into the souls of the scientists she awaited for them to give her ammunition to use against the invaders and there conquest of depravity. 

"We concluded the specimen is still mildly conscious yet we can't find any theta or beta waves to substantially prove it has mental capabilities beyond animalistic behavior"

Vegan said nothing, and waited for them to speak again. 

Fearful of her wrath they gave her some ounce of fate that there work is not in vain. 

"We also discovered a curious amount of biochemical and bio eletrical energy radiating from not just her but also some where in the Citadel"

"What!?" Vega said horrified knowing they knew little to what they are saying.

"How is this possible?" She demanded.

"We believe it's a destress signal, and some one is responding to her natural beacon" turning back to the screen they also made another discovery about the biology of the Hoarders.

"We also found this" pointing to the screen he pointed out a mutation in the brain of the animals synaptic cells.

"Its as if it had no control over its motor functions or any thought processes"

"And the Android?" She said heavily.

"Its still inactive" slowly his backed away, and the Council Woman rose to scold her men of science.

"You dare go against my direct orders?" walking to them they they stumbled to explain why they made such a rash decision yet, nothing would stop her in her tyrannical vendetta against the enemy and their mysteries of space.

"The program is still learning, we can't allow it to be active if it's design is still in it's maturity "

"Explain yourselves!" She screamed waiting for them to speak idiocies and embellishments.

Stammering they projected once again from their holo and showed her the android's coding.

"As you know the program was the love child of the Mendez family, and after the unfortunate death of there only child they purposely modeled the mind after her mind" 

"Then erase the child and start over again " she demanded.

"Its not that simple, the A.I is a complex system of decision making and contingent actions for it's own cognitive awareness.  If we modify any part of the systematic processe we jeopardize the artificial intelligence and it would begin to deteriorate and be useless to us and our work"

Grimacing Vega looked at the projection, and waited for a solution to reveal its self from nothingness.  

"How long till the Android is up and operational?" She said in monotone.

"We need more time" they said in unison.

"Time?" Vega laughed "Time?" mocking the request as if she only harbored imbecels and marauders.

"Time is a enemy of our people and our nation, time is a game of smoke and I am the idiot catching ghost and phantoms" she walked away and looked to the glass which separated her from the working class of her own deliberation.

"We have no more time then we have faith of a bright future"

Looking back to them she held her frustration and swallowed her pride and expressed for the first time since her reign sympathy for her brothern.

"I don't believe God is going to intervene, and time is a luxury we don't have, please" speaking softly she pleaded with her greatest minds to hasten their work, knowing hours dwindled and time was running out.

Nodding they left her to her own solace and confidence they would soon have it operational before they meet the racing oblivion as it drew closer and closer.

In her silence, the door opened to a frantic boy and his breathless voice.  Turning to him he saluted and await for her to allow him to speak his grievance.

"Yes?" she said, wondering why he chose to disturb her in the war room. 

"We have a problem" he said, knowing he has a obligation to his Chairwoman and her interest.

Pausing he wished the outcome wouldn't effect his sister but knowing Vega, she would burn the whole world if she would be the only one to rise from its ashes. 

"Speak" she demanded.

"Kress is experiencing a over abundance of brain activity, I fear her conditioning has been compromised" his eye flooded with guilt, as for Vega she believed it was a sign of convenience of the era they were now in, as all her work exploded in her face as if karma told her of her own follies and misdeeds.

"Very well then," she said devilishly.

"Consult the doctors, and bring her to me", and whispered a curse under her breath, as she watch the world she built slowly crumble around her.

Book of HoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora