Who needs men when you have food.

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I woke up when we were at the airport, I had to go to the restroom since my mascara was spread all around my eyes.

Afterwards, me and GiGi walked to the Starbucks and I grabbed a venti pink drink while GiGi grabbed a grande vanilla bean frappe, with heavy cream, 0.5 soy lactaid milk, 0.14 with cream, in a venti cup, no ice or water, honey, extra caramell drizzle, extra Greek yogurt, matcha powder, foam, banana and strawberry, 2 protein powder, and frapp chips, raw sugar, no whip, no sweet cream, add agave, blueberry topping, 0.3 with almond milk, and 0.152 with coconut milk.

With our drinks we walk back to the rest of the group.

"What took so long?" Asked Romeo.

I just looked over at GiGi, and she giggled.

"Never mind that, where is our house that we are staying at anyways?" I asked.

"About that, there is only four rooms in each one so I decided to get two small houses next to each other that way you GiGi and Cora can live in the blue and me Romeo and Lorenzo can live in the White one." Said Uncle Jim

"Oh that sounds cool." I said. Not really minding it.

      As we put our luggage in the Uber van we hopped in side and headed to the houses.

Once we got there all the furniture was in place so I just went to a bedroom and plopped myself down on the bed.

I heard a soft knock at the door and I got up and saw GiGi, "oh huney, come here." She said making a sad face as if she was about to cry.

As I hugged her tears streamed down my checks again. This was my first ever break up. Ryder was my first love, and now that's broken.

"You know what no, come on." She said getting up. And digging into my luggage.

I didn't have the energy to stop her nor say anything. Once she picked out an outfit I went to the restroom across my room and changed and also wiped my face and cleaned up a little.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked.

"Going to the movies, you can get as much candy and food as you want. It's on me." She smiled.

I hugged her and headed out. I texted uncle Jim saying I was going out for a bit.

    We got lost for an hour before we actually found it. We've never been to London don't judge.

      The theater was called London's Grand Cinema. (Don't look it up I just made it up)

     Once we parked we walked inside and bought tickets to see the meg, supposedly it's really good but who knows. (No I didn't see it nor do I want to it's just a random movie I found.)

      Once we bought a concerning size amount of food we sat at our seats.

    "Would you shut up you fuckin' wanker? The movie is about to start." Someone said from the back of us. It was a guy and he had a pretty heavy accent.

     GiGi just giggled as the movie began.

      After the movie the Lights turned on and we walked back out to the main entrance.

      I yawned and told GiGi to drive since I was so tired. Plus tomorrow we start our first day at London's Prep High School. (Again I just made it up)

     I know, prep school? That's what I said too. But uncle Jim said we had to since it was close by.

    Cora was taking everyone in the morning while uncle Jim picked us up. We were supposed to buy new vehicles today but we didn't have time..... alright we are just lazy.

      I'm thinking of getting a motorcycle, not one of those newer ones, I really love the classics.

      As we got home I took a shower and headed to bed.


A/N: sorry I didn't update sooner, school started on Thursday and I had some homework:/ but I'll try to make next chapter longer:)

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