Chapter 6-Plans revealed

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Dark Ray pov

My good sides son will prove useful as a heir to the empire once I've corrupted his soul. He will be a formidable warrior in my army. Looking down, I hold the helmet and pull out the Overlord's energies before I separate his dark soul, or the fragment that was left before I crush his lifeforce. Now that I have the evil left, and his powers. I consume the power. Feeling it flow through me is great, but I love it when a plan comes to life. Turning around, I look down at Kai before I step forward and speak. "Now my dear Kai, you will join me as I conquer Ninjago and eliminate the ninja." I watch as he looks at me and then the energy hovering in my hand. The evil of the Overlord will corrupt him, letting his dark side take control. Then, it will be left to him to eliminate Maya and Nya, those two have no dark side due to their loving nature. Oh how it sickens me to think about that. I stop before I place a hand on Kai and the energy flows into him. He seems to resist for a few seconds before his skin turns darker. His eyes then change to red and he stands. "Now my son, we have Ninjago to conquer and a team of ninja to kill." I watch as he nods and turns around before I stop him. "But no heir is complete without his own unique weapon." I form a weapon from the air. A Sliver blade on one side, a long black handle down the center with a scythe like tip on the other side of the axe blade. Handing it over. Dark Kai takes it and then leaves. Grid looking at me before I speak. "Prep the troops for battle. While he deals with the ninja, we shall conquer Ninjago." Grid leaves and I smirk. This was going to be fun.

Skylor pov

As we walked along, a portal opens up and from it. Several of Dark Ray's men emerge. Behind them stands none other then Kai. "Kai, is that you?" I look at Nya while Jay notices something is off about Kai, something that I also noticed. His skin was darker and his eyes were red. He held a large axe like scythe between his hands while the troops around him all stood by him. "That's not the Kai we know Nya, that's his dark side, corrupted by Dark Ray. He's here to eliminate us, and I fear the only way we're going to win this fight is by taking Kai down." Wu always had his wisdom at hand, but I still didn't feel good about harming Kai. "If we have to Sensei." I pull out a katana and prep for battle. Nya pulling out a spear while the others pull out there weapons. Kai steps forward and then charges. Nya brings up her speak, blocking Kai's axe as it strikes her spear. I watch as the others move in. Taking on his troops. I move to the side as I pick up a hammer and smash it against the large shield like bell thing. Alerting the guards to our intruders. Soon, Kai's men were overwhelmed but he remained underwhelmed. He continued to push Nya back till she was close to the balcony of the fortress. I then make my mind up and rush in. I grab Kai and bring him over before I send him into the ground. He gets up grunting and looks at me, then Nya and then me again before he charges forward. I bring my katana up, blocking his downwards strike. Another blow would no doubt shatter my katana. I look over at Nya who nods and uses her power. Sending Kai back, Soaking wet, Kai gets up and attempts to move forward before Cole slams into him. Kai then gets kicked from behind by Jay before Zane and Pixel kick Kai back towards Cole who moves to the side as Lloyd delivers a kick from below, Sensei Wu then lands from above. Sending Kai down to the ground. I walk over to find Kai was still ready to fight. As he got up I place a katana at his neck and spoke. "Stay down" His eyes darted around. His troops on the ground, defeated. He was outnumbered and outgunned. He looked back at me before he moved forward. I brought my katana back, narrowly missing his throat as Kai grabs me and throws me into Nya. He then starts to walk towards us before a bo-staff stop shim in his tracks. Wu stands before him and then slams his bo-staff into Kai. Kai falls to the ground with a grunt before I get up and walk over to him, he looks up before Wu speaks. "Only you can remove the evil from within Kai. Skylor. Only you can." I nod before I place a hand upon Kai and pray that all goes well. My world going black as I feel the overwhelming power of evil swarm into me.

I breath in and out deeply as I slowly open my eyes. I'm in the palace infirmary, Kai is by my side, holding my hand before he notices me and looks down. As my eyes open fully, I notice the rest of the ninja around. Nya being the first to speak. "Skylor, are you ok? You passed out after you absorbed all that power." I nod and look back at Kai who seems to be upset at himself. But it wasn't his fault that this happened. Finally, after what seemed like ages, I spoke. "Kai, it's not your fault this happened. But we need to be ready to fight back Dark Ray before he attacks." Wu then steps forward and speaks. "I'm afraid that he has already attacked. And won. Ninjago is under his control. But we still have the chance to fight back. We need you two to be married so that the full power of the elemental lords can finally be unleashed." Nodding, I get up and stand by Kai before I speak. "Then let us get to work, we have no time to waste" And it was true, we didn't. As long as Ninjago was in danger or under the control of an evil person, then we didn't want to waste our time by standing around and waiting. It was time to finally have that wedding....

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