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bithc this be long

11:19 PM


fiiiiiiiiiiiiirst off HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY AlfredKirklandz <33 YEET--

second, it's my brother's birthday so that's cool

also P!ATD fav band ever was in my city today for their tour AND I DIDN"T GET TO GO SO JUST RSXDCFVHUJK


Fucking love my Spanish teacher, he's so fucking awesome like Prussia. He's funny af, makes fun of other students that he's clearly known for some time, and omf I just couldn't ask for a better teacher really. 

Also I'm in three honor classes... wtf? I've nvr been in an honors class before-- bitch I ain't reeeeeeeady ; ; ; 

Spanish, English, and biology honors sweet

Which is weird. I should've known my eighth grade English teacher was going to fuck me over in my future-- but I also love my new English teacher-- there's so many gay colors in her room I have no idea what to do-- not like a clown level of rainbow craziness, but just a chill, a few rainbow colors here and there but still. Gay is in her room-- XD

and I sit next to my trans friend from eighth grade math last year so that's cool-- I'm sure there's more gay ppl in my classes. I already have Leo (100% out there gay) in my math and second semester health class so that's great-- he's cool, makes me laugh here and there, but I'm a shy child. I don't talk to my kind that often irl-- XDD

Shit I need to stop drawing vent art. I'm tired

my thighs are in more pain than a virgin doing anal for five hours-- hawt 

I had restaurant made ramen at this Japanese place AND OMFG WAS IT FUCKING FANTASTIC OML-- so much better than store bought ramen mmmmmmmmmmmm-- but it was in such a big ass bowl, that my skinny ass frame couldn't fit all of that in me so I took some home... Ima eat that tomorrow after school. 

Ii fucking enjoyed today so much-- other than being locked out of my apartment for 20 minutes in triple digit heat-- I live in America, in a fucking desert. I wanna finna


okei I need sleep now.... after I just slide onto Instagram real quick--

Okei good night


the next day--

Mmm I wanna print this page cover thingy I made for my algebra binder thingy but my mom's printer isn't working, or my computer is being stupid. Which isn't a good sign because I need to print smth else out for English by the 17th and bitch I have three days. The assignment sounds hella fun, but since it's my family I'm dealing with, they're going to fucking stress me out last minute and then Ima be grumpy all day-- like today.

I got super fucking irritated, it was 7:20 and school starts at 7:45, and I like being early to school except I miss my bus cuz of my shower and my mom was out using my brother's car. So I was just sitting at home, annnnd I slammed my phone on the corner of my bed a few times until I was like "oh shit wait" annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there was glass all on my finger once I touched my screen. Hawt

But I just reeeeeeeeally still wanted to break smth else with my left hand but my mom gave my brother's car back and he sped to my school fast af-- but mmm

now my phone screen is even more fucked up. Fucking love life. 

eee now it's 6 PM... time feels to be going... fast. eh

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