Fortunate Dreamer (Part II)

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Dark and quite
The road ahead.
Forest on the right
And grass field at the left.
Freezing cold the breeze blows.
Hiding the moon behind the cloud that flows.
Alone yet crowded the thoughts are.
I hear the echo of my footsteps.
But a ghastly figure passes fast.
Something is not right.
I hear gossips around,
Yet no one at sight.
Could it be my mind playing tricks?
The longer I walk, the road gets narrower.
I realized there's no longer a forest nor a grass field here.
Where am I?
I find myself within the mystery fog.
But I cannot stop walking.
It's like the night is controlling me.
Wherever it's taking me,
It's one step less as each second passes.
The mesmerising walk felt peaceful.
And now both my heart and mind doesn't want to stop.
I kept walking until I stepped on nothing.
I'm falling, my mesmerizing walk is over.
But what am I to do?
How do I stop?
Every scenario flashes in my mind in a few milliseconds!
That extreme fear woke me up.
I'm breathing hard trying to feel myself.
Am I okay? Or am I dead?
I look around...
And I'm lying on the road
Dark and quite with forest and a grass field...
I'm still curious as to what lies on the road ahead.
Is it the fog? The nothingness? Or something beyond my imagination?
Well let's go ahead and check it out! 😉

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