The new prisoner

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You lay in the cell day after day.

The darkness stiffened you, so that eveytime the metallic door opens, it brings your hope back again. It raises you, only to bring you down to the sad ugly truth.

I'm never getting out of here.

I'm never escaping this hell.

There's no way.


There. Its happening again.

The door is opening.

But where is the prisoner? All I see is a centry...

What looked like a beaten up carcass rolled into the small dingy room seconds later.

His hair was tattered, and he appeared to be covered in scars.

You stare at the sad lump of alien in front of you.

Horror plummets you to the ground of your dingy cell.
As you fall to your knees, you feel dizzy, and lose train of thought. Everything around goes black. Everything except for the strange creature in front of you.

This. This is all that mattered. Maybe I've gone insane, maybe ive lost my mind, but I most help him.

You turn his face so you could get a good look. His body shakes with every movement, it breaks to see any creature in such a state.

As you look closer, realization creeps on your skin causing goosebumps to run over your entire body.

This-this isn't an alien.

He's human!

You jolt up off of your knees like a light bulb finally turned on.


: heyyyy. So, yes I know that I durasticlly changed this chapter, but honestly I really didn't like the way it sounded before. I felt that the plot wasn't what i wanted either. So I basically just rewrote the entire story. Byeee💜💜💜

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