Awake and Afraid

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The last thing you saw, was the world spinning from underneath your feat. You were falling to the ground of your pod, blacking out.

And now, slowly bieng pulled like waves, back to reality.

Your hands tingle, spreading to your arms and torso encasing your body. It feels warm. Safe and warm. (I'm sorry lmao ok)

You open your eyes, only to be taken aback when you realize that your inside of an explosion. Your adrenalin picks up, and some how you know exactly what to do.

Your pov:

Everything is going to be just fine, all I need to do is survive. You say that while spinning into the abyss with nothing to stop you. You couldn't help but notice all the floating rocks and rubble.

I could spread out my arms, and possibly catch myself in the asteroids. If I did that I would stop spinning, and would be able to get a grip of myself. Sounds like a plan to me.

No pov:

You shut your eyes and embrace for impact, arms spread wide. It takes longer than thought, maybe two minutes until a small rock hitches on to your heel. You stumble forwards from the sudden jolt.

Once you have stopped spinning, you could finally get a good look at everything that was going on. The large galra ship shot down your small pod, almost killing you with it. You assume that you blacked out right before the hit, and woke up again during it.

Your pov:

Its absolute Chaos. I have no idea what to do, I can't hide, I don't have a ship, and the Galra are coming for me right now. All I can do is give up. What else is there to be done??!

I raise my hands above my head and surrender to Galra fleet.

I hope this works! Maybe since I'm galra just like them, they won't take me as a prisoner.


They took you as a prisoner.

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