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I was always alone. the only time in my life when i had a friend, a family, or even a pet was... 6... 7 years ago? time gets lost in space. Time gets altered, twisted and corrupted. 

My parents left me, that long time ago. It feels like it was just yesterday when I saw her sweet smile, your brothers laugh, and.. and ... everything.  it happened to quickly. One second ago I was happy and safe, the next, I was being sent into orbit fear cradling my shaking body, sweeping me off my feet only to drop me back down again, and again.

My parents left me because of the Galra attacking Altea. I was 6 years old when my parents decided to send me into space. It was my only chance, if I had stayed, the Galra would have forced me to fight in the war. Of coarse, I didn't understand that it was my last time seeing my family since I was such a young age. I didn't think I would be all alone ever since that day.

My family found me a time pod, put me in it and sent me out to space before the Galra would have put us at war. I escaped life in hell, but honestly, this feels like a prison as well. I have never seen anything but a time pod since the time I was apart of the blade of Marmora.

Yes I'm Galra, but I'm not evil like they are. Even though I've lived in a pod all alone for the majority of my life, I know that they are terrible people. And I know I'm not like that.

And yes, I used to help my mom work with the blade of Marmora. She gave me her knife. I remember it as clear as day. But all of that is over now. I can't go back.

Right now, the only thing I should be worrying about is the fact that and entire fleet of Galra ships are storming towards my small pod.

O H. N O.

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