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"No." Eret replied to his enraged and now heavily pregnant wife. "You're only four months pregnant but it looks like you're ready to pop any day now and I'm not going to risk the life of our unborn child just because you want to go get some jam from Heather."

"You did this to me you asshole!" Sassa angrily retorted.

"They can hear you." Eret said, gesturing to the opened door where their daughters were watching them.

"I don't care!"

"Ursa go get some jam from Heather to calm down your mother."

"Yes papa!" Ursa chirped before running from the door with her sisters behind her.

"Seriously, why is the baby growing so quickly?" Eret asked, looking at his wife's belly where the child in question resided. "Like that's how long it took Stormfly to be pregnant with her eggs before she squeezed them out and hatched a few days later!"

"I don't know!" Skyla groaned. "I don't know why the baby grew like this! And I'm so worried because I haven't felt them kick at all!"

Eret's eyes widened in surprise. "The baby hasn't kicked this whole time?"

"Yes! Are you deaf?!"

"Sky...what if the baby is...is a Bewilderbeast?" Now it was Skyla's turn to look at her husband like he was crazy.

"That's impossible, I'm not really a dragon."

"Didn't your mother say that Bewilderbeasts didn't need a mate to produce an egg? Like the majority of them were males and they didn't need a female to have an egg, like an Eruptodon!"

Skyla glanced down at her swollen stomach, fear filling her chest. All those sixteen years being careful to make sure none of her children had her abilities, but this one possibly would be born like that. But even worst, it might be born a dragon.

"No...no no no! No it can't be!" Skyla cried out in fear as Eret tried to soothe her. "My child can't be a dragon or have my abilities! They'll be killed or enslaved if someone finds out!"

"No one is going to hurt you or our child-"

"It's not even yours if it is born a dragon!"

"Now that's just rude Skyla."

"I need to get out of bed, now!" Skyla ordered angrily. "I need to leave!"

"No you don't!" Eret argued. "You're pregnant!"

"My child is in danger!" And with that, Skyla managed to get right out of the bed by removing some of the excess pillows while Eret tried to get her to sit back down. "I need a safe place, somewhere to have the baby..."

"Skyla what are you-" Eret gasped when his wife turned to face him, her soft blue eyes now an icy blue with the irises slitted like a dragon's. Skyla emitted a growl from her throat before storming out of the bedroom.

Eret was left alone, unsure of what just happened before it all came racing back to him. His wife was pregnant, possibly with a child she created herself to keep the ancient lineage of Bewilderbeasts going, and she was possibly turning back to her dragon form.


"Why you need so much jam?" Heather asked Ursa as she handed her the basket.

"Mommy's craving it." She replied. "Daddy didn't want her walking around so much cuz she's gonna have the baby soon."

"Oh? Well are you three excited to be big sisters?"

"No." Erette replied and made a face. "Don't want a baby."

"It's not that bad." Heather assured her. "You get to be bossy of someone."

"I don't think she needs to know that." Valka muttered.

"What's mom doing out walking?" Ursa asked, spotting her mother briskly walking by. "And is that...ice trailing behind her?"

"Strange..." Heather murmured. "Did your parents get into a fight?"

"Mommy called daddy a mean name because he shoved a bunch of pillows under her to keep her from getting off the bed." Valka piped up. "But where's daddy?"

"Probably at home with a broken nose." Heather chuckled. "Oh there he is."

"Skyla! Skyla wait!" Eret yelled as he ran past them, Elia and Nanna at his heels with their dragons chasing after them. "Stop!"

"Eret what's going on?" Heather called.

"Mom is leaving! Da thinks she's having the baby!" Nanna yelled. Heather's eyes widened in shock, realizing what they meant.

"Four months to develop, ice trailing from behind her...oh gods!" Heather exclaimed. "Stay right here, I have to get your uncle!"

"And what good will staying here do?" Ursa asked with a frown and looked to her sisters...only to find Valka next to her. "Hey where's Erette?"

"There!" Valka exclaimed, spotting their baby sister running after their father and older sisters.

The three Vikings had already reached the docks when Skyla had leapt right into the cold water. Nanna gave an alarmed scream, fearing her mother had went mad. The docks shook as the water churned. Skyla emerged in her full Bewilderbeast form.

"Skyla stop this! You don't need to leave us!" Eret yelled, hoping his wife could hear him. "I promise we'll keep the baby safe here!"

Ignoring them, Skyla gave a loud roar before walking deeper into the sea and dove right in.

"Mom! Mom come back!" Elia and Nanna yelled. Skyla ignored them and proceeded in moving deeper into the ocean, her large white tail trailing behind her before it disappeared into the ocean as well.

"Mama! Mama come back!" Erette cried as she ran towards the dock's edge. She would have fallen right over the edge if Skullcrusher hadn't rushed forward to grab her by the back of her hood and tried dragging the crying and screaming child away to prevent her from falling to her death. "Mama! Mama!"

"Don't just stand there, follow her!" Nanna yelled as she bolted for Camo, her Changewing.

"No, none of you are going anywhere!" Hiccup yelled, stopping the teen from hopping onto her dragon. "You need to leave your mother alone, for now at least. She's most likely going to create a nest and lay her egg somewhere in private, you don't want to bother her."

"But she needs us uncle!" Elia protested. "We have to protect her and our sibling! Remember what almost happened to the egg of the other Bewilderbeast under Berserker island? It nearly got taken if you and the other rider's didn't try to protect it!"

"Please at least let me and my sister go protect her!" Nanna begged. "We're the oldest with powerful dragons, we can keep her safe especially if our father comes with us!"

"My answer is no." Hiccup answered firmly. "You two and your siblings are to stay here. In a few days your father and I, along with some other rider's, will fly out to go check on your mother and the baby. When we feel like it's safe, we'll bring them back home. But for now, you are to stay on Berk and not do anything rash."

A Safe Haven       [Sequel to "The Second Dragon Rider"]Where stories live. Discover now