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"Well congratulations! You two must feel very blessed at the moment!" Dagur chuckled as he shook hands with Eret. "How are you feeling Sky?"

"Oh you know, a bit nauseous in the mornings, some mood swings, you know the normal mother-to-be stuff." Skyla replied with a small laugh and felt her husband wrap his arm around her stomach from behind. "A certain husband of mine thinks it's a boy, and some of our daughters want it to be a boy."

"Well this one isn't going to be called Eret, that name already went to their big sister." Eret chuckled and rubbed his wife's stomach that was already starting to show.

"How far are you two in?" Dagur asked as Mala approached them.

"Two months next week." Skyla replied with a smile.

"Two months?" Mala asked in surprise and looked at Skyla's belly with uncertainty. "You sure? You look like you're four months in Skyla."

"Maybe it's twins?" Eret suggested and frowned. "Gods no..."

"I highly doubt it, Ruffnut says it's just feels like one." Skyla said and rubbed her stomach. "I just want my baby to come out safe and healthy, just like my other children."

"This one will, you just need to be careful love." Eret assured her and glanced at the training arena. "Speaking of children, has Kris returned with his dragon?"

"He came home early this morning with the twins and Snotlout." Hiccup said as he approached them. "They didn't tell me what sort of dragon he caught to train."

"It's a surprise apparently." Dagur said and chuckled. "Dagra really wants to know."

"She cares for the boy very much." Mala added and gave Skyla a smile. "I'm starting to think she's a bit in love with him."

"And I believe my son feels the same way." Eret laughed, recalling the numerous times Kris' sisters teased him about trying to impress Dagra that sent the boy blushing madly and yelling at his sisters to knock it off.

"Anyways, I'll go wake Kris to get him ready for his test." Skyla said, unwrapping her husband's arms from around her stomach.

"No I'll do it, you go with the girls to get us some good seats." Eret said quickly. "Help her Hiccup, please?"

"Of course, come on Sky." Hiccup murmured as he took his sister's hand. Skyla shot Eret a glare before letting Hiccup, Dagur and Mala lead her towards the arena.

Eret headed towards his home to find his three younger daughters painting their faces with dark and pale blue paint streaks, the same paint Skyla used when she used to race Starlight. The three lifted their heads to see him walk in and held their little hands to reveal their paint stained fingers.

"Kris still asleep?" Eret asked and the three of them nodded. "Alright go head on over to the arena, your mum and uncle are waiting. And why are you three looking so blue?"

"Daddy!" The three of them groaned at the joke as their father burst out laughing a bit.

"Seriously, get going before your cousins take your seats and you have to sit next to someone smelly." Eret said after he stopped laughing.

Once the girls had left, Eret collected the little jars of blue paint that were left on the table before putting them away. He heard someone coming down the stairs and give a loud yawn.

"What time is it?" Kris asked approaching his father while rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"Afternoon, your mother insisted that you should sleep in before your exam." Eret replied as Kris gave another yawn. "Nervous about taking on a Snow Wraith?"

A Safe Haven       [Sequel to "The Second Dragon Rider"]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz