Chapter 4:

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(( hey sorry about the lack of updating, I've been having major writers block on this story so I would love some suggestions!! Thanks :) with no further ado here is the new chapter!! :D please enjoy!))

Fionnas' POV:

I look at Flame Prince a huge smile on my face, I really want to make Flame Prince feel welcome. I really like him and I cant help but hold that back, he has been extremely nice to me all this time and he is quite attractive. I know I'm really bad at this stuff and end up looking like a complete idiot but hey, I can always ask Cake for help.

His voice pulls me from my thoughts, "Hey it's almost lunch, want to have lunch with me...?" Even though he's made of fire I can tell he's blushing which makes me feel quite happy.

"Yeah dude!" I laugh grabbing his hand, with my tinfoil hand running back into the school. I know the whole tinfoil thing is super weird and junk but what can I do about it?

I can tell he's a bit caught off guard by me grabbing his hand but I decide to shrug it off. After awhile I realize I have no idea where the lunchroom is, I stop dead in my tracks looking at FP. "Any idea where the lunchroom is...?" I look at him nervously hoping he doesn't think I'm an idiot.

"Oh, follow me Fionna." He smiled warmly and started walking in the opposite direction. I was a bit confused as to why he seemed to know where everything is around here and yet he's new. After a couple minutes of walking we get to the lunchroom, it's a huge room filled with what seems like everyone. It makes me feel a bit awkward considering everyone, but me has a place.

There are the more popular kids -of course Marshall and all of his friends were in that group.- The nerdy kids -Gumball and a couple other people I don't recognize.- And other random groups of kids I don't know enough about to judge.

Cake was really right about high school, it is really crazy here. It changes you so much... I would never put people into classes or groups, but it's basically the only way to understand this all.

"Fionna...?" FP again pushes me from my thoughts and I look up at him blankly.

"Yeah?" I smile softly looking up at him.

"Are you alright? You keep spacing out.." He carried a worried expression and I smiled warmly hoping to calm him down even the slightest bit.

"Of course I'm fine, just a bit tired I guess." I look toward the tables and notice there are 2 empty seats by Gumball, this makes me smile brightly. I grab FPs' arm and run to the table sitting down. "Hey Gumball!" I smile cheerily.

Prince Gumballs' POV:

"Hey Gumball!" I hear Fionnas' voice and instantly smile seeing her sit by me and my friends which consist of; Lord M, Hot Dog Prince, and sadly Ice Queen. She always seems to sit over here just because I'm here.

"Hello Fionna, I see you've met Flame Prince?" I smile warmly looking at her and she simply nods. I'm a bit worried about this whole Flame Prince thing.

((Sorry for this being so short!! hope you enjoy it though ;_;))

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