The Guardians and The Imposers (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Yumi? Yumi!" I called, but there was no response. 'No! Xana must have attacked her' I thought worried now.

"Oh no, what if? What if?" I started to say as I though of all the 'what if's' that could have happened.

"Ulrich look" Odd said. Yumi's lyoko form was starting to virtualize. She started falling to the ground, obviously she wasn't concious by the way she was falling.

"Yumi!" I exclaimed. With my supersprint I managed to catch her before she hit the ground. All of the sudden lasers started firing at us.

"Ulrich hold onto Yumi, run to a tower" Odd said. He fired laser arrows the blocks attacking us while avoiding the crabs.

"Thanks Odd" I said. There was no way he'd be able to defend and attack four blocks and two crabs by himself. Before he'd get rid of them he'd run out of arrows; althought, I know he knows that. I carried Yumi in my arms heading south. As I ran thankgoodness there were no monsters.Unfortunantely there was no tower in sight. All of the sudden I heard the familiar gurggling noise and a bubble top head rose up from the digital sea.

"The scipizoa. Hey big and ugly, Aelita isn't here" I said. 'Lame, lame, lame joke' I thought. Still the scipizoa came closer and closer. I pulled out my sword to attack, but the thing knocked both my swords out of my hands.

"Smooth Ulrich, smooth" I muttered. I picked up Yumi and ran in north instead. Yumi was still unconcious, whatever Xana had done to her before virtualizing her must have caused this. The monsters attacking Odd had disappeared, and instead there was one giant, orange sphere comming closer to him.

"Run it's a guardian!" Odd yelled. A guardian was one of Xana's monsters, a sort of virtual prison. If it caught you there was no way of breaking free. Only Aelita and Jeremy have been able to break it.

"Odd hurry run!" I yelled.

"Save yourself. I'll either be caught or I'll fall in the digital sea" Odd said. I nodded my head. As I ran I could hear Odd shriek when he either fell into the digital sea or was captured.

"Ulrich what's going on?" Yumi asked.

"Odd's been captured by a guardian, and the scipizoa is after us. I don't have my saber" I explained.

"My head hurts" Yumi complained.

"It's going to be okay Yumi" I told her. There was a tower in sight, and the scipizoa behind me.

"Urich!" Yumi yelled. Suddenly I tripped, I twisted as I fell so my back hit the ground and not Yumi. She landed on top of me, blushing. Suddenly I was lifted up into the air and tossed back down to the ground by the scipizoa. I groaned in pain, it definetely didn't feel good.

"Yumi get to the tower" I said. Ignoring me, Yumi threw her fans at the scipizoa. It touched the fans with its tentacles and her fans disappeared. Another guardian appeared behind the scipizoa. The scipizoa picked me up.

"Yumi run" I mouthed out the words. Its tentacles went to my forhead, and I was paralized. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Yumi running to the tower. I could feel something wrong with me, the feeling growing. It hurt, I felt my will power dieing. When I thought the pain would never go away the scipzoa dropped me. 'So this was what it felt like when Aelita was captured' and that was my last concious thought.

----Xanafied Ulrich----

"Listen Ulrich I can make you powerfull. Powerfull enough to make William look weak and puny! Enough so Yumi will leave him for you" Xana whispered.

"Yes Xana I will obey" I said alloud. I attacted Yumi.

"Ulrich no!" she cried, but it was to late. Xana was now controlling my actions. Both Yumi and Odd were capture. Now all I had to do was capture Aelita. Jeremy and William will be easy.


After Jeremy and I convinced Mr. Delmas we were only studying, and that Sissy and her friends were bothering us we were free to go. We hurried over to the factor as fast as possible. Even though Jeremy didn't want to he virtualized me alone into the Dark Forest. The activated tower was in sight and Ulrich.

"Ulrich" I called to him.

"There you are. Odd and Yumi have allready been devirtualized. I took care of Xana's monsters" Ulrich told me.

"This is crazy! The tower had deactivated" Jeremy said.

"Maybe Xana is calling off the attack" Ulrich suggested.

"Perhaps, let me bring you in" Jeremy said. Then the strangest thing happened, Ulrich turned around and attacked me. He kicked me hard in the stomach sending me flying backwards. I hit something jello-like. The next thing I knew I was being devirtualized.


All of the sudden Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, and Aelita were being devirtualized. Okay first the tower is deactivated and now they're being devirtualized? The screen showed nothing was wrong, but something wasn't right. We all ran back to the school, Yumi back home, and things were normal. Almost normal, something still didn't feel right.


For some reason school was cancelled tomarrow, some teachers meeting. My friends were acting really weird, so I decided to talk to William and Marie.

"Hey Jeremy, have you noticed Yumi is acting wierd? Ulrich looks like he hates me more than usual" William said.

"Yeah and what about Odd. He's been ignoring me" Marie said with a sad tone.

"So, I thought you and Odd weren't going out anyway" William chuckled. Marie looked away and blushed. I rolled my eyes, they were acting like children.

"That's why I'm talking to you two, somethings not right. They were all fine untill they went to Lyoko" I said.

"Maybe we should go to the factory" William suggested. It was the middle of the night, perfect opportunity to talk to William and Marie. I didn't want the others to hear, I had a bad feeling Xana got them which has happened before. I nodded my head and we creeped out of the dormatory and into the park, and then to the factory. I ran a quick scan on Yumi, Ulrich, Odd and Aelita.

"It says they're still on lyoko, but I can't quite locate them" I said.

"How so? They were at the school?" asked William. I thought about it for a momment.

"Poly morphic-spectors" I came up with.

"Poly what?"

"Polymorphic-spectors. Digital spectors that can morph into multiple identities. Listen you both need to go to the Dark Forest and the Volcanoe Sector to rescue them" I said.

"But Jeremy, what about the scipizoa?" William asked. He had a point, if the scipizoa caught William we'd be in big trouble.

"And I've never been to lyoko before" Marie pointed out.

"I know, i know, but someone needs to rescue them and someone needs to control the computer" told them. The two of them are our only hopes of rescueing them.

"Allright" they both finally muttered. Each of them hopped into one of the scanners to be virtualized. I didn't like having them do this, but there wasn't anyother choice.

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