I sniffled, my lip quivering as tears poured down my face. Is that what he cut into me?

O-Oh no.....

I suddenly felt awful and miserable, lying my face down and sobbing, wondering what the hell I had done to deserve this.

My entire body hurt and my mind just felt so f***** up and I wanted to go home.

Bob got off me and I just sobbed, curling into a ball, crying into my hands, too weakened mentally and physically to try and get away.

Wh-what if Bob is right and the gang doesn't come for me? I mean, where were they now, they shoulda been here!

Wi-will I ever see my brothers again?!

I sobbed and let out heartbroken whimpers, never having felt more useless and helpless in my whole life.

I wished for Darry, wanting him to hold me, missing his warm hugs. Ponyboy was good at giving hugs too.

I cried and cried, thinking my life was over, that I was never going to get out of here.

I heard Bob sneer. "Sheesh, what a crybaby. Come on, Soda, we gotta beat it outta here before that loud-mouth rounds up everyone."

He grabbed me and I cried out with a sob but didn't try to get away, Bob taping my wrists together behind me.

"N-No, no!" I whimpered out as he taped my ankles together, not wanting anything more to do with him.

"Shhhh, hush now," Bob came and taped my mouth shut, giving my cheek a kiss.

I whimpered and shook everywhere, trembling, wanting free, wanting the gang to bust in at any second to rescue me.

But they still hadn't come for me.

Worthless Scum, that's what Bob said. Is that really all that I am?

"Okay, Soda, let's go," Bob huffed and grabbed me, slinging me over his shoulder, grabbing Two's jacket before he started walking out.

I screamed a little and sniffled, crying, squirming weakly but even I knew there was no point to try and escape. I was too weak from the loss of blood.

Besides, I was too heartbroken and mentally beaten I just felt useless.

Bob walked me upstairs and out to his car, throwing me in the backseat.

I murmured things out to him through the tape, giving him a sad look as I weakly gave a pull at the tape around my wrists.

Bob just smiled at me and ruffled my hair a little, going back inside to grab a few more things.

Whimpering, I looked out the window, expecting to see the gang nearby but they were nowhere to be found and I just sniffled some more, thinking they were never going to come.

Maybe they don't love me anymores, I thought, crying softly, Bob's words having gotten to me.

I hung my head down as tears ran down my face, sadly eyeing the floor of Bob's car.

He soon came back, carrying some blankets and what looked like a box with some food. He put it in the front seat and then smiled at me, starting to drive away.

"Don't worry Soda, where we're going, we're gonna have lots of fun. Them Grease balls won't ever find you there. Not that they're looking for ya anyway," He snorted and I sniffled some more, watching out the window as we left town.

My back was sore and aching and everything hurt.

But nothing hurt more than my aching heart, completely broken inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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