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Warning: This Chapter is really Triggering so you've all been warned!

Soda's Point of View

Hours Later......

I was still hogtied and completely worn out, forced to wiggle around for Bob and I wondered just how much longer i'd have to do this.

I sniffled and whimpered out under the tape, tears rolling down my face as I rolled over to my side for about the 500th time.

Bob had blindfolded Two-Bit about two hours ago so he couldn't watch anymore and I could only hear his faint whimpers, a handkerchief tied tightly over his eyes.

The red head still struggled in his bounds but I knew he was getting very tired, him weakly struggling and barely pulling, whimpering faintly through both of his gags, his voice muffled.

I felt truly awful for him, wishing I could help him.

"Okay Soda, you can stop." Bob's voice filled my ears and I let out a deep sigh and rolled back to my stomach, lying my face down, my body shaking with exhaustion, aching badly.

I prayed he would just untie me already, so d*** tired of being in this position.

"Easy Soda, keep still," I heard Bob speak and I opened my eyes, seeing him with a handkerchief and I frowned deeply with a whimper, him blindfolding me before I could pull away.

I whimpered out, everything completely dark and I couldn't see anything, frightened horribly.

"Shhh, shhhh...." Bob shushed me and I felt him rubbing my back, his touch making me shudder. "Relax."

He rubbed my back smoothly and I whimpered, trembling as his hand slowly made his way down to my rump.

Whimpering, I felt his hand rest on my rump and then give it a good smack and I flinched, shuddering instantly and shaking badly, not liking how he was touching me.

"You've got a good a**," I heard him whisper lowly and he smacked my rump again and I whimpered in pure fear, wondering if this was why he had blindfolded Two-Bit to keep him from seeing what he was doing to me.

Bob's hand slowly started roaming up my back and I began to cry again, shuddering and flinching badly, wishing I still wasn't tied up in these ropes.

Bob's hand went to my hair and began to pet and run his fingers through it. I flinched and cried out in fear, unable to see, terribly scared.

Bob shushed me lowly and kept playing with my hair. "You're okay, you're okay."

He played with my hair for awhile before I felt him pushing at my side. "Roll over," He told me quietly as he pushed and I shuddered as I reluctantly rolled over a little.

I whimpered as I laid on my side, my bare chest revealed, trembling as I cried and sniffled.

Bob began running his hand over my chest and I squeaked and whimpered out loudly through the tape, beginning to cry hard, flinching horribly as his hand roamed over my ribs and my upper chest.

I was horrified as he touched me, shuddering and crying hard, tears falling from under my blindfold.

Bob touched me all over my chest and I practically sobbed, shaking with fear and horror, scared terribly.

I could hear Two-Bit's faint whimpering in the background, but I knew he couldn't see what was going on and I frowned deeply, continuing to cry.

Bob eventually rolled me back to my stomach and gave my rump a hard slap. "Ya done good, pretty boy, ya done good."

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