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Soda's Point of View

I slowly awoke, everything spinning and a groan escaped my lips, my head heavy and smarting terribly.

Everything hurt and I could feel someone patting my cheek, saying something.

"Hey buddy, you're awake. Ready to have some fun?" I think it was Bob.

My eyes barely opened and I didn't know if I was even really awake yet. "Wha?" I moaned out, feeling terrible.

"It's okay, it's okay.....just stay calm now." Bob spoke and I could feel the ropes loosening.

I could just barely hear faint whimpering in the background, wondering if it was Two-Bit.

Bob was untying me and I just groaned, barely able to keep my eyes open, painfully hurt.

Bob pulled me to my feet and I swayed a little, almost toppling over but Bob kept me upright.

He shushed me lowly and grabbed the bottoms of my flannel, slowly slipping it off me.

I hardly noticed, way too out of it, wanting to lie down, my head hurting awfully.

Two-Bit's yelling got louder but I could barely focus, trying to stay on my feet.

Bob grabbed my white tee shirt and slowly pulled it off me as he shushed me softly, my chest bare now.

I shivered a little, my eyes barely open.

"Lie down now, it's okay Soda....." I felt Bob gently pushing at me, lowering me to the ground and I just groaned a little, allowing him to push me down onto my stomach.

I shuddered, a cold chill rushing through me and I shivered, the concrete cold and hard on my chest.

I laid my face down on the floor, wanting to relax and just lie down, wanting to sleep, groaning softly.

"You're okay, you're okay," I heard Bob murmur lowly to me. "Jus' gonna get you hogtied now, don't worry."

I felt him grabbing my wrists and tying them together tightly and I just laid still, eyes closed tightly, frowning, wanting to sleep.

Two-Bit's muffled yelling filled my ears and I opened my eyes briefly to look over at him, seeing him tied down and gagged, looking over at us and shaking his head no with huge eyes, pulling desperately at his ropes, whimpering out loudly.

I frowned deeply at him, wondering why he was freaking out.

Bob tied my ankles together tightly, huffing. I just frowned and let out another groan, wondering if I should be in the hospital.

Bob grabbed my legs and pulled them up a little and I frowned, not knowing what he was doing, feeling tight pressure on my ankles as he connected them to my wrists with the rope, my ankles firmly held up in place.

I whimpered a little at the tightness, frowning with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing at all what was happening.

Bob slipped something over my head and when there was tight pulling at my neck, I realised it was a noose and he had tightened it so horribly tight as he yanked the end of the rope back, connecting it to my wrists tightly.

The noose squeezed at my throat and I coughed, whimpering, the noose forcing me to lift my head up and I kept still, not understanding all the ropes on me, frowning a little.

Two-Bit had somehow managed to get his gag out and started screaming at Bob, sounding like he was in tears.

"Nooooo! Stop it, stop it! Leave him alone! Tie me up like that, not Soda! Please! Tie me up instead!" He screamed, his voice desperate and I looked over at him, eyes widening at his yelling.

The Night I Disappeared - An Outsiders Fanfiction StoryWhere stories live. Discover now